Moshi Monsters Cupcake Cavern

Original Answer: 'Ingredients+ Vanilla+ Chocolate medium swirlicing+ 1 cherry+ 2 nuts=Chop Chop

Ingredients+ Orange+ Pink tall frosting+ 3 marshmallows+ 1popcorn=Squidge

Moshi Monster Cupcakes Games - Free Online Moshi Monster Cupcakes Games for Kids and Girls - The Moshi Monsters Moshi Cupcake game is located in the Candy Cane Caves. Find the Candy Cane Caves on the map and click on it. Once you are in the Candy Cane Caves, scroll to the right to find the Cupcake Cavern. Moshlings are a collection of tiny Moshi Monsters species that mostly function as collectable creatures that monsters can obtain and take care of by keeping them in their Moshling Zoo and displaying them in their room. The Moshlings you obtain in your zoo are ambiguous and merely representatives of their entire species. Their in-game function is a separate canon from who they are as characters.

Ingredients+ Cocoa+ Orange+ White thin splat icing+ 2 gummyworms=DJ Quack

Ingredients+ Vanilla+ Orange+ Chocolate medium swirl icing+1cherry+1 popcorn+1 star+1 nut=Chop Chop

Ingredients+ Cocoa+ Vanilla+ Green thin splat icing=General Fuzuki

Ingredients+ Vanilla+ White medium swirl icing+1cherry=Iggy'

Actually I've detected patterns.As in Chop Chop alwaysget the cupcake if it has a nut.

Ecto=Is cocoa, chocolate icing, chocolate chips, andsludge fudge.

Squidge=(one that I know works.There are multiple recipesthat work)Vanilla, Tall Vanilla frosting, and four or fiveslopcorn

Sookiyaki=Cocoa, tall pink icing

Iggy=...eats all the cupcakes that aren't recipes forother Moshi's

Dipsy=Vanilla, tall vanilla icing, and about fourbarfmellows.

Moshi Cupcakes Game Online

Liberty=usually the ones with stars.(doesn't have anexact recipe)

General Fuzuki=usually eats the ones with green icing anda cherry.

Moshi Monsters Cupcake Cavern Combinations

McNulty=Don't add anything.It's plain batter, no icing,and no toppings.

White Fang=Pretty much everything together.The cocoa,vanilla, orange splat, green tall icing, cherry, slopcorn, starcandy, scummi worm, chocolate chip, sludge fudge, barfmellow andnut.

Each Moshling needs certain main ingredients to be attracted totheir cupcake.

For example: for Chop Chop, the cake mix and the icing do notmatter as long as you only add nuts as the topping.

Chop Chop: Chop Chop's main ingredient is nuts.

DJ Quack: DJ Quack's main ingredients are orange cake and scummiworms.

Moshi monsters downloadMoshi Monsters Cupcake CavernMoshi Monsters Cupcake Cavern

Dipsy: Dipsy's main ingredient is vanilla cake and abarfmallow.

Moshi Monsters Cupcake Cavern Cheats

Ecto: Ecto's main ingredients are all chocolate: cocoa cake,chocolate icing, sludge fudge and chocolate chip!

General Fuzuki: General Fuzuki's main ingredient is green slimeicing.

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I.G.G.Y.: I.G.G.Y. is attracted by any ingredients that do notattract any of the other Moshlings.

Jeepers: Jeepers' main ingredients are white vanilla icing witha star candy and a sludge fudge.

Liberty: Liberty's main ingredient is a star candy.

McNulty: McNulty's main ingredient is to have a cake with noicing.

Mr Snoodle: Mr. Snoodle's main ingredient is orange cake.

Moshi Monsters Cupcake Cavern Combinations

Shelby: Shelby's main ingredients are green slime icing and aSludge Fudge.

Sooki Yaki: Sooki-Yaki's main ingredients are Chocolate Cake andPink Strawberry Icing.

Squidge: Squidge's main ingredient is slopcorn.

Cupcake Cavern Game

Tiki: Tiki's main ingredients are blue blueberry icing and acherry.

Moshi Monster Cake Game

White Fang: White Fang's main ingredients are one of eachtopping.