Moshi Monsters Season 3

  1. Moshi Monsters Season 3 Mission 1 Epics
  2. Season 3 League Of Legends
Moshi Monsters Season 3

The first EPIC is located in the dark cave when you go to huntfor 'creepy crawlies' in the jungle. Use the lantern Chief Billgave you so you can see the EPIC at the bottom left part of thecave. The creepy crawlies are the third ingredient on the list. Donot mistake them for the first.

Moshi Monsters Season 3 Mission 1 Epics

Season 3, Mission 5 - Gustbusters. Posted on July 04, 2013 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 3.- Comments 14 Tweet. Season 3 continues with another three part mission. This time we’ve got to save Monstro City from strange, foul smelling clouds that are causing the.


The second EPIC should be left on Dundee's food dish after youfeed her the Fried Oobla Doobla and save Sprockett and Hubbs.


Season 3 League Of Legends

The third EPIC should be spat out of the cauldron after you putin the fried Oobla Doobla, then the coconut, and then the creepycrawlies. The purple bananas should be put in after the EPIC iscollected.