Moshi Monsters Zack Binspin

Moshi Monsters - Moptop Tweenybop - My Hair's Too Long - Zack Binspin FT - Blingo. Moptop Tweenybop. Shimmyin an shakin. I've lost count of the hearts that I've been break-in. I can't see and my eyeballs they are aching. Cos my hair's too long. (his hair's too long). (his hair's too long). Complete Full Song Lyrics, Text, Words To Songs, Reader, Read Lyrics Of Songs, Song, Words And Accurate.

Posted on July 30, 2013 - Comments [28]

Zack Binspin is certainly one of the most popular characters in Monstro City and we are often asked “How do you get Zack Binspin?”

Zack Binspin is an Ultra Rare Moshling (number 107) in the RoxStars set along with Bobbi SingSong and the also unreleased Hoolio.

Apparently he lives in a Trashcan in Brashcan Alley.

  • Zack’s Appearances

Zack’s Music

Zack Binspin appeared on the first Moshi Monsters Music Album with the song “Moptop Tweenybop (My Hair’s Too Long)”

Also appearing in the video is Blingo.

So far this is the only song he’s released.

Zack’s Appearances

Zach Binspin has appeared in a number of Super Moshi Missions:

Season 2 – Close Encounters of the Zoshi Kind

In this mission we bump into Zack Binspin at Simon Growl’s Mansion. We have to talk to Zack and convince him we’re one of his true fans so that he’ll give us the screw we need to fix the plane that we need to take us to Music Island!

Season 2 – Sandy Drain Shenanigans

Once we get to Music Island, who do we find at the Sandy Drain hotel? It’s none other than Zack Binspin!

Moshi Monsters Zack Binspin

After getting Zack’s autograph we find out what his combination for the safety deposit box is, and get the Spa 1 keycard!

We find that Zack Binspin is in a spot of bother in Spa 1. His hair is growing out of control and we have to use the Moshling ROFL to cut it!

Season 3 – The Googenheist

During the Googenheist mission, we find Zack Binspin hanging out, yet again, with the music mogul Simon Growl in his mansion. Zack only plays a minor role in this mission, just commenting that a Statue of Simon Growl is “almost as shiny as my hair!”

How to get Zack Binspin

Zack Binspin hasn’t appeared as a collectable Moshling in your moshling Zoo yet. So, at the moment he’s not a Moshling you can get.

There are rumous that Zack Binspin will be available as a Moshling in the upcoming Super-Moshi Mission Moptop Mischeif.

A word of caution though – Zack has appeared in Super Moshi Missions before, but never as a collectable Moshling.

Zack Binspin doesn’t appear on the Moshi Monsters website either.

Moshi Monsters Zack Binspin Song Lyrics

Zack Binspin Codes

So if you can’t get Zack Binspin yet, what can Zack’s fans get in the meantime? Well, we’ve got these codes for Zack goodies:

Beloved Zack Binspin Poster
Zack Binsping Gold Disk
Zack Binspin Music Rox Poster

You’ll find lots more codes on our Moshi Monsters Secret Codes page.

So what do you think of Zack Binspin? Are you a Zack Binspin fan?

Do you this we’ll be able to get him by completing the Moptop Mayhem mission?

Let us know in the comments below!


Posted on August 31, 2013 in Moshlings. - Comments [15]

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re glad to report that a slot for Zack Binspin has finally appeared in out Moshling Zoo!

Moshi Monsters Login

There’s also another small update to the Moshling Zoo that you might find interesting! You might even get a sneak preview of the Zack Binspin mission which meant to be available until Monday!

It’s no secret that the new Super Moshi mission “Moptop Mischief” features Zack Binspin as it’s major character and it’s expected that you’ll get Zack by completing this mission.

Zack Binspin, a “Moptop Tweenybop” is an Ultra Rare Moshling in the RoxStars set. He’s Moshling number 107.

Zack will be the second Moshling in the Roxstars set to be released. The other Moshling, Bobbi SingSong can be obtained by completing the Season 2 Super Moshi Mission “Welcome to Jollywood.“

We all know Zack from his song Moptop Tweenybop (my Hair’s Too Long) from the Music Rox Moshi Music album and his appearance in the Season 2 Super Moshi Mission “Close Encounters of the Zoshi Kind“.


Zoo Update

If you’re a Moshi Member, then there’s another update to the Zoo.

In a recent update Moshi Monsters made it possible to find out the flower combination you need to get Moshlings by clicking on the button under their slot in the Moshling Zoo.

Now, if you click on a Moshling that you can’t get by planting flowers, you’ll now see one of two things:

Moshi Monsters Zack Binspin Game

  • A message that reads “Catch by completing:” and the name of the mission along with a friendly button to take you to the Mission.
  • Or a “Top SECRET” stamp.

You’ll see the “Top Secret” stamp when you look at Moshlings that are only available by buying Moshi Merchandise (like Lummox) or From Special Missions that are no longer available (like Long Beard).

But wait! Zack Binspin’s profile has a link to the Mission!

You noticed that? If you take a look at Zack’s profile in the Moshling Zoo (click on his name below his slot in the Roxstars set.), you’ll notice that it says “Catch by Completing: Season 3 Mission 6 Music”

And there’s a big green button “GO TO MISSION

Now I don’t think this is meant to be there quite yet, but if you click on this button you’ll get to play the first part of Moptop Mischief!

Note that you can’t complete the mission though. You’ll get to a certain point and it’ll stop.

So, what do you think of this update and are you looking forward to getting Zack Binspin? Let us know in the comments below.
