Moshi Monsters Glumps

Oct 02, 2011  This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue. Jan 16, 2014  Moshi Monsters aren't just harmless fun. Moshi world, disfigurement is frequently equated with evil, with scars, spots and missing eyes used to. Jan 14, 2014  Last month, saw the release of a Moshi Monsters animated film. Changing Faces is most concerned about a group of “evil” monsters which are part of a group called the Glumps.

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  • The World of Moshi, as it's called, is the game's main setting. It is a small planet which orbits a Weird Sun with a face and compass symbols surrounding it. It has one moon, which also has a face, and three small asteroids orbit said moon.
    • Monstro City, a small town and the game's main-main setting. It is a relatively green area but not rural, and has several areas. It mainly has dirt roads.
      • Main Street, a street that has four shops on it: the Gross-ery store, a food shop run by Snozzle Wobbleson, Yukea, a furniture store run by Moe Yukky, a cart selling moshling seeds (seeds that attract moshlings) and Bizarre Bazar, a nic-nac store run by Bushy Fandango. Also on the street are En-Gen, Monstro City's source of electricity, the Daily Growl building, where newspapers are made, Flutter-by Field, a field populated by butterfly-like creatures, a statue of Elder Furi, and a picnic area.
      • Sludge Street, a street off Main Street to the north. There is a lake near it. On the street is a nailed-up apartment building with vines growing on it, a wheel with hieroglyphics on it in one of the rooms, and a 'For Rent' sign on it, the Marketplace, which is a mall that has in it the six clothing shops Furi Fashion, Zommer's Drop-Dead Threads, Diavlo's Duds, Luvli's Looks, Poppet's Closet and Katsuma Klothes, Horrods, a posh shop run by Mizz Snoots, the D.I.Y. shop, run by the messy Dewey, the Games Star-cade, a video game store run by Raarghly, and the Dodgy Dealz store, a trade shop run by Sly Chance where you can trade items for a varied number of Rox.
      • Ooh La Lane, a rather lavish street, on which is a booth that takes the player to the Help page, two stores (the Moshi Store and the Print Workshop) that redirect the player to real-life areas, an ice cream store called Ice Scream, run by Giuseppe Gelato, a renovation shop, a spa run by Tyra Fangs and the Googenheim, an art gallery.
      • The Port, also known as Port Street, is a street by a small ferry port that features Babs' Boutique (a shop that sells random items), a seed shop Super Seeds, the Colorama, a place where monsters can get their fur coloured and a pet supplies shop called Paws 'n' Claws, run by Gilbert Finister. Growing at the port are several Rox Trees.
      • The Underground Tunnels, a building under Monstro City where the Underground Disco is located. Nearby the disco are Ecto's cave and a river of green slime. There are (or were) two C.L.O.N.C. bases next to the disco, accessible only by secret passages.
      • The Candy Cane Caves, a cave made out of candy, where Monstro City's candy is 'mined' from, with the exception of chocolate, which comes from a 'refinery'.
      • The Puzzle Palace, a palace where the players have access to the puzzles.
      • The Party Palace, a disco where dress-up contests are held.
      • The Volcano, a volcano that is perpetually erupting harmless lava, guarded by the Gatekeeper. Inside the volcano is a building that is the Super Moshis' HQ, which has in it several computers and a downstairs room in which there's a large Rox Stone that makes Rox.
      • The Fiery Castle, a castle guarded by the Gatekeeper's mean cousin the Hatekeeper, where C.L.O.N.C. used to live. It is surrounded by a barren, rocky area and a lake of lava.
      • Mount Sillimanjaro, a large snowy mountain located next to the Volcano. It has a cable car line and Elder Furi's cabin is located on top of it.
      • Goosebump Manor, a large haunted mansion located in a mushroom swamp.
      • The Great Moshi Beanstalk, an enormous beanstalk next to Goosebump Manor that has a giant at the top of it. The sap from the Beanstalk is the favourite food of Waddling Floffles.
      • Bleurgh Beach, a beach. It has three shops in the form of fish run by ghost pirates: Boot-eek (which is a clothes shop run by Squint), Kate's Deck 'n' Sails (which is a toy shop run by Dedward) and McDolphins (which is a food store run by Lorenzo). Captain Buck's cousin Baz Barnacle also resides there where he eats the sand and sells some of Buck's stolen treasure at a shop called Baz Barnacle's.
    • Music Island, an island that would be two islands, but they're joined together by a bridge that's in the form of a piano and works like one.
      • Jollywood, a fertile but arid island that is a parody of both Bolliwood and Hollywood. It has a large sign with the word 'JOLLYWOOD' written on it on one of the hills. Located in Jollywood are the Yoga Retreat, property of Bobbi Singsong, the TV Studio where movies and TV are made and shown, Trembly Stadium, a stadium where concerts are shown and three shops (a music shop run by Spewey, a food shop run by Auntie Wobbleson and a candy stall) are present, with the former two being sentient creatures that use their mouths as the shops, and the Market, an area where Moe Pukka (who sells spices) and Snozzani Wobblesing (who sells musical instruments) are located. Jollywood's national anthem is 'Welcome to Jollywood' by Bobbi Singsong.
      • The Gombala Gombala Jungle, a jungle where Woolly Hoodoos live. There are several tribes of Hoodoos: the Blue ones, who live in a clearing called Hoodoo Hideaway led by Big Chief Bill, the Orange ones who live in a wetlands called Snaggletooth Swamp, the Green ones, who live by the Walla Walla Watering Hole, the Twistmas ones who live in Twistmas Town and celebrate Twistmas every day and the Ice Scream ones, who have a religion based on ice cream. There's also the Giant's Cave, the garden, and the Unknown Zone, an area where the Zoshlings crash-landed. Nearby the Gombala Gombala Jungle are the Cirque du Moshi, a circus, and the Sandy Drain Hotel, run by Simon Growl. There's also a volcano in the jungle called Mount Krakka Blowa.
      • Pinkish Peak, a pink mountain, where the Ice Scream Hoodoos and the rest of their tribe (the Pinkish Pink Tribe) live.
    • There are also several locations which are not accessible in-game and we do not know where they are exactly. These include...
      • Brashcan Alley, where Zack Binspin and his band live, Zack himself living in a trash can. Apparently, Glumps frequent this area.
      • Hipsta Hills, a hilly area north of a place called Ka'Ching, where it's always sunny (but somehow always fertile). It's seen briefly in the song 'Diggin' Ya Lingo' where a necklace and a sign similar to the Hollywood sign are seen on two of the respective hills.
      • Funny Face Fjord, an area with a funny face visited by Captain Buck.
      • Hong Bong, an island where Captain Buck got shrank to. This location is technically accessible but only in the mission 'Lost in Hong Bong'. Snozzle Wobbleson's cousin Wobblesan works there in a merchandise shop.
      • Long-Gone Lagoon, a place where Buck visited, where sailors get transported back in time.
      • Stinky Hollow, a place where a tackle shop is.
      • Moshi Picchu, a citadel that used to be legendary until discovered recently. It is located in the mountains.
      • Growl Mansion, a manor house where Simon Growl and Baby Rox live.
      • Umba Thunk, an ancient tomb where the first Super Moshis fell asleep until being rescued.
      • The Gulf of New Gizmo, a place that Captain Buck visited but didn't like.
      • Mount Eggiecrest, a volcano that erupts custard and caused the Great Custard Flood of 99999.5.
      • Humongous Haven, a place where people randomly shrink and turn into giants.
      • Moshimo City, an urban place where Missy Kix is from.
      • Growliwood, where the Groanas Brothers live.
      • The New Sea Mall, a place under the sea where a cafe called Starfishbucks Coffee is.
      • Bubble Bath Bay, a place visited by Captain Buck where he got bathtime-themed objects from.
      • Super Moshiversity, an academy where Super Moshis go to train.
      • Bumblechops Manor, a large mansion where Buster Bumblechops lives that features a Moshling sanctuary, an incubation station and a museum.
      • Antique Isle, a place with many antique shops that Captain Buck visited.
      • Art Archipelago, a place that sells artworks that are parodies of real life artworks.
      • Bleurghmuda Triangle, a place that was mentioned by Captain Buck but never described.
      • Breakfast Bayou, a location visited by Captain Buck made of breakfast foods.
      • Candy Shoals, a beach near Candy Cane Caves.
      • Colossal Cape Cuddly, a place where Captain Buck brought back giant Cuddly Humans.
      • Cookhouse Quay, a kitchen-themed place and the first place visited by Captain Buck.
      • Crabby Cove, a beach populated by crabs that featured in 'The Great Googenheist'.
      • Doodle Island, an island that appears to be drawn with crayons.
      • Lake Inferior, a lake. Under it is situated the ruins of a town named Fluttertown that was populated by birds in the Glunge Age.
      • Futuristic Falls, a floating, futuristic visited by Captain Buck that is at the bottom of a waterfall.
      • Halloween Island, a Halloween-themed island shaped like a pumpkin.
      • Hatlantis, also known as the City of the Lost Hats, a place where everyone who visits it must keep it secret.
      • Isle of Plight, an island with many volcanoes on.
      • Loch Mess, a messy lake where the Loch Mess Monster lives.
      • Mount Moshmore, a giant rock face with several monster faces carved into it.
      • Pirate Paradise, a pirate-y place north of Monstro City and south of Futuristic Falls, which has several places within it, including Flag Falls, the Golden Swamp, Sunken Treasure, a Shipwreck, Golden Gull-ch, Paradise Lagoon, Barnacle Bay, Plank Peak, Soprano Sahara and Blockhead Butte.
      • Pizza Paradise, a place where buildings are made of pizza.
      • Potion Ocean Hideout, a shipwreck hidden somewhere under the sea.
      • Rockstar Reef, a place that sells many musical instruments.
      • Safari Sandbar, possibly the home of the Glammoth.
      • Syd's Knee, a place where there are sports such as 'bogey jumping' and 'scare-o-sailing'.
      • Tiki Tropic, a small island visited by Captain Buck.
      • Mount Char Char: A volcano.
    • Gift Island: Where the ferry from Monstro City goes to and from. It's a noisy island where presents are packaged and sent.
  • The Cloud Kingdom, where there's a cloud castle. A kingdom made entirely out of clouds that is situated at the top of the Great Moshi Beanstalk.
  • The Swooniverse is the alternate universe which the planet is said to be in. It was said to have started with an event known as the Big Boom. Other celestial bodies in the Swooniverse include...
    • The planet Symphonia, home of the Zoshlings. Little is known about this planet but Magic Music seems to play a significant part in Symphonia's culture, with its residents being able to sing 'Cosmic Harmonies' which can break specific objects at will and the Zoshlings being able to get out of a trance with music (in addition to being tickled with feathers and smelling food). They also seem to have at least part of an ability to communicate with the World of Moshi, as evidenced by the fact that the Zoshlings had 'Moptop Tweenybop' as their favourite song.
    • The Filthy Way, a large nebula with several food scraps floating around in it. It is unknown how they got there. Tamara Tesla notes that she can 'smell it from [her observatory]', whether that was true or an exaggeration is left unclear.
    • An unnamed, distant galaxy. Tamara joked that it 'seemed a bit fishy to her' as it was shaped like a jelly fish with several fish surrounding it.
    • Several constellations, shaped like Moshlings.
    • The planet Space Glenn, home of the Hoddles, which is in itself a sentient being that does not respire but requires small meteors shaped like stars with faces to eat. It does not like normal-shaped meteors.
    • The Great Green Cube, a celestial object near the World of Moshi, which is, according to Tamara, edible as she calls it 'delicious'.
  • Under the ground is dirt and rocks, just like Earth, however, unlike Earth, there's also candy under the ground and custard. How it got there is a mystery.
  • Rox, which look like gems, are the Moshi Monsters currency. They come from stones and also grow on trees.
  • Some plants which grow in Moshi World are Oobla-Doobla (fruit-like things that grow on vines), Eggplants (that actually have eggs), purple bananas and several musical instrument-type plants such as Bongoniums and Sax Oaks.
  • All creatures have the ability to teleport (kerfuffle) by closing their eyes and visualising the place they want to 'kerfuffle' to. They cannot kerfuffle without choosing to kerfuffle, but if they get distracted they could wind up teleporting to the wrong place.
  • Three magical gems are the Minime Stone (which turns monsters into babies), the Morph Stone (which, when combined with an item that belongs to the person the monster wants to shape-shift into, like a hair or an article of clothing, will shape-shift a monster into someone else for a limited period of time) and the Sonic Sapphire, which will either hypnotise monsters or make them go insane when combined with music.
  • Seeds of plants that attract Moshlings are called 'Moshling Seeds'.
  • Moshlings are animals that monsters keep as pets. The study of them is Moshlingology. Like real species are grouped into families, Moshlings are grouped into 'sets' such as Foodies and Secrets. They have the same level intelligence as monsters, but often chase each other around and do other animal-like things. All of them seem to like plants and music.
  • Several Earth-like animals exist there too, such as crabs and bats.
  • Insects, which some of the monsters eat, include Sillipedes (which are like millipedes), Flutter-bies (which are like butterflies) and firebugs.
  • The playable species are Katsumas (rabbit-like creatures with cat-liked tails, a diamond shaped patch on their foreheads, a round patch on their bellies and fangs), Poppets (hamster-like creatures with little tails), Furis (yeti-like creatures), Luvlis (cherry-like creatures with stars on the end of their stalks and birdlike wings), Diavlos (just imagine small, living volcanos with devils' tails that can fly) and Zommers (creatures like Frankenstein's monster).
  • Then there's those unknown species like Roary Scrawl and Snuffy Hookums. Their species names are unknown.
  • Luvlis have telekinesis, but it's a bit unreliable and they never know when it's going to work.
  • All Moshlings lay eggs, with a few exceptions:
    • Psycho Gingerboys and Sweet Ringy Thingies are made.
    • Naughty Nutters grow from regular coconuts if Pilfering Toucans peck them off the trees.
These eggs need to be kept warm to hatch, but if they are not kept warm, the Moshlings inside do not die, but after a significant amount of time, to hatch one, you have to either be a Moshlingologist or use three items: microwaveable Oobla-Doobla, tears from a Blue Jeepers and a frosted rainbow rox. If a Moshling has been in its egg for that amount of time, it can be transformed into a very large Glump. Some Moshlings hatch with clothes on.
  • Glumps are a species that are shaped like balls. As a rule, they are evil and unintelligent, they salivate a lot and too many snacks make them sleepy. They cannot be bred, due to being a One-Gender Race, all male, so they must be transformed from Moshlings. To turn a Moshling into a Glump is to 'Glump' the Moshling, which can be done by throwing it into a machine called the Glump-a-tron 6000 or by feeding it a potion that consists of a fire bug, a beanstalk bloom, some beanstalk sap, a tiki feather and a toadstool. However, hopefully, you readers are more interested in turning Glumps back into Moshlings (i.e. deglumping them)? In that case, you can either rewire the Glump-a-tron, feed them the potion minus the fire bug, or hit them several times in a row. All Glumps produce a viscous green liquid known as 'goo' or 'Glump goo' that smells like rotten fish. It is harmless when most species touch it, but if a Tiddlycopter touches it, they become dizzy and unable to fly and to get them back to normal, they must be electrified. If ingested, this goo has negative affects: in monsters, they become hungrier and sadder, and in Moshlings, they develop nausea, a cough, a slouch, confusion and fatigue. If a Glump gets eaten, the eater will turn green and get numb-tongue. This goes away for as long as they have something in their mouths, and can be cured completely by eating a green apple.
  • Diavlos' volcano heads erupt when they're angry, however, non-angry Diavlos can choose to erupt at will.
  • Some species of Zoshlings secrete a green, thick liquid known as 'cosmic gloop' or 'cosmic goo'. Once harvested, Cosmic Gloop can make things grow larger and, if ingested, makes the ingester sing in tune. If they lose all of it at once, they become dizzy, which goes away as they make more.
  • Unlike humans, monsters and other creatures may be naked in public and clothing is generally worn as a fashion statement or for practical uses (such as winter clothes and diapers). Characters who do wear clothes on the regular tend to have a Limited Wardrobe.
  • All monsters have the ability to speak English and each species of creature has its own language: Katsumas speak Katsumanese, Poppets speak Poppetanian, Furis speak Furglish, Luvlis speak Luvling, Diavlos speak Diavlan and Zommers speak Zommeranian. Several of the unknown species (like the Wobblesons) and the Moshlings have their own languages too but it's unnamed. Generally, creatures can talk to one another while speaking different languages, but this seems to be a learned thing, because in the movie, a shopkeeper speaks in gibberish to Katsuma and he doesn't understand.
  • The Woolly Hoodoos have their own traditions. They have five tribes: Blue, Orange, Pinkish Pink, Twistmas and Green. They unite by sharing Hot Hoodoo Stew, a stew made of bugs, purple bananas, fried Oobla-Doobla and coconut shells. 'Bill' is a common name among Hoodoos. The Twistmas tribe celebrate Twistmas every day and the Ice Scream Hoodoos (a sub-tribe of the Pinkish Pink Tribe, who are the only tribe not in the jungle) have a religion based on ice cream. The Blue tribe have a language based on whistling and a chant: 'Gombala Gombala walla walla hoo-haa!'
  • All Moshi Monsters creatures celebrate Pranksgiving and Twistmas, which appear to be exactly like April Fool's Day and Christmas in all but name (and the fact that Jesus or similar is not mentioned in Twistmas).
  • Monsters will sometimes call workers 'Roarkers', say 'anymoshi' or 'everymoshi' instead of 'anyone' or 'everyone' and will use the words 'gloptastic', 'splattastic', 'roarsome', 'pawsome', 'monsterrific', 'arrghsome', or 'belchtastic' to describe something as very good, sometimes 'monsterlicious' or 'scrum-dilly-icious' if that something is food.
  • The Glunge Age was an area of time, during which Dr Strangeglove was a sinister minister, people rode on ponies because wheels hadn't been invented, the Worldies existed but had not come to life yet and the birdies lived together in a tree village called Fluttertown (that's now in ruins). Refrigerators existed, but not wheels, unlike our world.
  • The Great Custard Flood of 99999.5 was an event in which Mt. Eggiecrest erupted custard, causing a massive flood which buried the former home of the Wandering Wamples, and it was around the time when the Jabbersauruses either went extinct or disappeared. It was also what destroyed Fluttertown. The custard was, for the most part, cleared up by Titchy Trundlebots.
  • In very ancient history, when monsters had only recently invented lace-up shoes and were learning to grunt, some miners discovered a wobbly rock full of sleeping Super Moshis, who built Super Moshiversity and fought off several villains. They mysteriously disappeared one time (leaving only a note on someone's fridge saying, 'Our work here is done'), and that was the beginning of the Glunge Age. They returned at the beginning of the modern era.


Posted on April 16, 2014 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 1. - No comments

The fourth Super Moshi mission in Season 1 sees monsters getting sick all over Monstro City. You’ll need to investigate and find out who’s selling evil candies.

There are no Epic awards in this mission.

You start the mission talking to Elder Furi at the Moshi Monsters secret hideout in the Volcano.

“Super Moshi, I am glad you are here.” says Elder Furi.

“Monsters all over Monstro City are being made sick.”

“Do you know which evil candies were being sold in Gross-ery?” asks Elder Furi.

You’ve got three options, select “Lollyplops, Scummi Bears and Barfmallows.”

“You have great observation skills Super Moshi!” says Elder Furi.

“That’s because I’m a Super Moshi!” you reply.

“Who is making these candies? We must stop them!”

“Take this magical Morph Stone, you will need it.”

“The Morph Stone can make you look like a glump.”

Find some Glump Goo, then use the stone to transform into a Glump.”

“First go to the Gross-ery to investigate. Good Luck!”

“I won’t let you down!”

With that the conversation ends.

Elder Furi just gives you one last piece of advice before you leave:

“Use this Morph Stone wisely Super Moshi!”

Gross-ery Store

We arrive at the Scene of the crime to find that things are a bit of a mess…

“So this is the Gross-ery’s store room. Let’s talk to Snozzle Wobbleson.”

Click on Snozzle Wobbleson, the strange floating monster with a green brin in the clear head!

“Oh dear, some items have fallen from their shelves! What a mess!”

Click on him again and he’s tell you some more.

“Can you place my items back on the shelves please? Talk to me when you’re done.”


OK, so it looks like Snozzle needs us to clean up the place.

Click on all the items that have fallen off the shelves to add them to your inventory. We’ll put these on to the shelves in a bit.

You should find, a packet of Katsuma Krunch, Toad Soda, Mice Krispies, Swirlberry Muffin, Starlight Cookies, some Green, Spicy Dragon Rolls, Sunshine Berries and Eye Pie Eyes.

Just beneath Snozzle is another item. Click on that to pick it up.

“Hey! A stinky Pew Cumber! I don’t sell those.” says Snozzle.

Ok, now open your inventory and drag the items into their correct places.

  • The Katsuma Krunch goes on the top right hands side shelf.
  • The Toad Soda goes on the top centre shelf.
  • The Mice Crispies goes onto the middle shelf on the left.
  • The Green goes on the top shelf on the left.
  • The Starlight cookies go on the middle centre shelf.
  • The Swirlberry Muffings go on the same middle centre shelf, just to the left of the Starlight Cookies.
  • The Spicy Dragon Rolls go on the bottom shelf on the left hand side.
  • Sunshine Berries go on the top left hand shelf.
  • The Eye Pie Eyes go the top centre shelf

When you place the last item (except the Pew Cumber) ont the shelf, Snozzle will say something.

OMG! What’s that strange crate?”

Now click on the crate with the skull on it. You’ll get a zoomed in picture of the crate. You’ll see that it contains some suspicious looking candies and a note that reads “Today’s Password is: PASSWORD

Remember that. It might come in handy later!

Click on the [x] to close the picture.

“The evil candies! We need to talk to Snozzle.” you say to yourself.

Click on Snozzle to start a conversation.

“Snozzle! Why have you been selling evil candies!? Where did they come from?”

“The Candy Cane Caves! The same place all candy comes from.” replies Snozzle.

“The Candy Cane Caves eh? I need to go there, can you take me?”

“Of course I will. It’s the least I can do after selling all that foul candy.”

“Are you ready to go?” asks Snozzle.

Click on “Yes, take me to the Candy Cane Caves.”

“Let’s go!” says Snozzle.

Outside the Candy Cane Caves

“The Candy Cane Caves! Why is the entrance closed?”

And it really does look like it’s VERY closed. There’s a metal door blocking the way with “Glumps Only!” written on it!

As you watch, a pink glump will bounce along the path and enter through a hatch in the door.

If you click on the door, a voice will say “Glumps only! I can see you Super Moshi! I can smell you too!”

So, it seems that we’ll need to change our appearance and disguise our smell too.

Click on Snozzle to talk to him.

“You need to smell and look like a Glump to get in.” says Snozzle.

Use any stinky items you find on yourself.”

“Anything else Super Moshi?”

Click on “How do I smell like a stinky Glump?”

Find some stinky things and use them on yourself.”

“look around to see what smelly things you can find.”

“Anything else Super Moshi?”

Click on “How do I look like a Glump?”

“Maybe if you had a Morph Stone, you could morph into a Glump.”

“But you would need to find some Glump Goo for that to work…”

“Anything else Super Moshi?”

Click on “That’s all for now.”

“Do you need to go back to my shop?” Snozzle asks.

This gives you the opportunity to go back and get the Pew-Cumber if you missed it earlier. But as we’ve got it, we don’t need to go back.

Click on “No thanks Snozzle.”

In the bottom left hand corner of the screen there is a branch. Click on it to pick it up.

“This branch looks like its large enough to cover that hole on the path.”

Open your inventory and drag the stick over the hole in the path.

Now wait and watch as the glump bounces along the path. This time, the glump won’t notice the hole and will fall stright into it and leave something behind.

Moshi Monsters Glumps

Pick up the white thing that’s now lying on the path.

“Great! I now have a Glump ID! looks like it belonged to Gloopy.” you say. (You should remember this fact too!)

Just at the bottom of the white “Clear Off” sign, you should see a dead fish. Click on it to pick it up.

“A fish head! it sure smalls very fishy.” you say.

Now look at the Candy Cane just about you. It’s got something hanginh on it, something that looks like a smelly sock!

Click on the sock to pick it up.

“This old dirty sock smells like moldy cheese. Pew-eeeey!”

OK, now it’s time to disguise our smell!

Open your inventory and drag the fish head onto yourself.

“I smell like that horrible old fish now!” you say.

Drag the Pew Cumber onto you.

“Urgh. That Pew Cumber stunk me up a treat!”

Now drag the dirty sock onto you.

“I’ve done it! I STINK like a glump!” you say.

Now we just need to look like a Glump. We can use the Morph stone that Elder Furi gave us, but we’ll need some Glump Goo in order to use it.

Take a look at the path. At the bottom of the screen you should see a green blob of Glump Goo.

Click on the goo to pick it up.

“Smelly Glump Goo, this should work with the Morph Stone, just like Elder Furi said.

Now take the Morph Stone from your inventory and drop it on your Monster. Magically you’ll change into a Glump. A rather large glump wearing a super-moshi outfit, but a glump none the less.

Now click on the metal door to start a conversation.


“Hello glump, you’re a bit big! Nice cape!”

“Urr… thanks!”

“Before you can come in, just tell me today’s secret password.”

“Oh…yes…of course! The password is…”

Now you have three choices – I do hope that you’ve remembered the password we saw in the Crate back in the store room!

Click on “Password!”

“That answer is…….”


“Now, tell me your name.”

Again, you’ve got three choices. Do you remember the name on the Glump ID?


Click on “Gloopy”


That’s a funny Glump name. Let me see your Official Glump ID.


Click on “Here you go”

“That’s a really bad picture of you! Oh well.. Admission Granted!”

Candy Cane Caves Entrance

We’ve got through the entrance, but now we need to find our way into the Caves.

You should spot a hole in the wall with a pair of eyes peeping out of it.

Click on the eyes to start a conversation.

“Arrh! Help! Don’t touch me Glump!” says the voice.

“No, no! I’m just pretending to be a Glump,” you reply.

“Check out my cape and mask! I must be a Super Moshi!”

“But you stink like a Glump! Prove to me you’re a Super Moshi.”

“Where is the Super Moshi HQ located?”

Click on “The Volcano”

“Correct… Could be a lucky guess through.”

“Answer me this…”

“Who is the Super Moshi’s worst enemy?”

Click on “Dr Strangeglove”

“That’s right! You ARE a Super Moshi!”

“You must help! Sweet Tooth is poisoning the candy.”

“Take the elevator down deep into the mine and I’ll meet you there.”

Click on “To the mine!”

The lift will now come up, you’ll bounce into the lift and it’ll descend into the depths of the Candy Cane Caves!

The Candy Cane Caves

“Pssst Ove here!” says a voice from another hole in the wall.

Click on the eyes in the hope to start a conversion.

“What’s going on down here?” you ask.

“Look, Sweet Tooth has hypnotised the roarkers and they’re gooing the candy walls!”

“So, that dastardly Sweet Tooth is behind the evil candies!”

“We must stop the roarkers gooing the candy!”

“I will stop that roarker! Sweet Tooth won’t get away with this!”

“Sweet Tooth’s lair is even deeper into the caves. Use the mine cart to get there.”

“Ok, leave it to me!”

With that the conversation ends.

Right, there’s a lot going on in the Candy Cane Caves so it can be a bit confusing, but let’s see how we get on.

First of all, just next to where you’re standing you should see the top half of a striped candy cane lying on the floor. Click on it to pick it up.

“A sweet Candy Cane.” (We’ll need this later!)

Ok, now we’ll need to stop the Roarker from gooing the candy.

First click on the button labeled “Alarm”

“Hmmm… The alarm distracts the Glump on the goo barrel.”

The Glump will bounce over to the alarm to turn if off.

While it’s doing that, click on the barrel to disconnect the hose.

“We sabotaged the goo hoser!”

Just on the other size of the bridge you’ll see that there’s a mine-cart, but there are a couple of problems that you’ll need to solve before you can use it to ride deeper into the caves.

Click on the cart.

“We need to get to the lair, but the mine cart is missing a wheel.” you say.

Just next to the cart, are some tracks and a lever. Click on the lever.

“This switch is broken and the tracks are set the wrong way.”

Well, we can fix that.

Open your inventory and drag the Candy Cane onto the switch.

“The switch can now be used!” you say.

Click on the Candy Cane switch again to move it forward.

Now to fix the cart, you’ll need to scroll back to the left and find something we can use as a wheel.

Just below the alarm button you should see a round pink candy that’s just about the right size to act as a replacement wheel.

Click on this candy to pick it up.

“This Candy Wheel looks like it could be used to fix the Mine Cart.”

Scroll back to the mine cart and open your inventory. Now drag the candy wheel out onto the mine cart.

“The mine cart is fixed!”

Now click on the cart to play a mini-game!

Race to Sweet Tooth’s Lair!

This mini-game is very simple! All you need to do is to tap on the space to propell your mine-cart along the tracks.

Keep pressing the space bar until you get to the right hand end of the screen and your mine cart flies off the end of the track.

Sweet Tooth’s Lair

“The crash deglumped me… I have a bad feeling about this…” you say to yourself.

To the right of the screen you’ll see Sweet Tooth sitting in a throne on top of a huge pile of sweets.

“Arghhhh!… Greetings, Super Moshi! I have been expecting you!” says Sweet Tooth.

“If you dare step closer, I will zap you with my hypno-blaster, mwhaha!”

Click on Sweet Tooth to start a conversation.

Moshi Monsters Glump Bean Bags

“Sweet Tooth! So you’re behind all the evil candies!” you say.

“That’s right Super Moshi! All the Monsters of Monstro City will be sick because of me!”

“There is nothing you can do to stop me now!”

“You won’t get away with this!”

The conversation ends.

“Try to get closer to Sweet Tooth!” says the voice from the hole in a wall.

Click on the bridge to try and get closer to Sweet Tooth.

“Feel the full destructive power of the hypno-blaster!” says Sweet Tooth.

A gun will fire, hitting the bridge just in front of you.

“Woah! That was a close call!”

Click on the hole in the wall to start a conversation.

“That hypno-blaster is deadly!” you say.

“I’m staying tight here. I have a tendency to explode!” says the voice.

“That gives me an idea… Jump out here, onto the weakened bridge.”

“Ummmm… Ok, I trust you Super Moshi.”

The conversation ends as Cherry Bomb jumps out of the hole in the wall.

“Wow! A rare Cherry Bomb Moshling!” says Sweet Tooth.

Cherry Bomb jumps onto the bridge.

Now click on the bridge to walk towards Sweet Tooth again.

“Feel the full destructive power of the hypno-blaster!” says Sweet Tooth.

This time the blaster shoots the bridge, but hits Cherry Bomb.

“Uh Oh….” says Sweet Tooth.

Cherry Bomb then explodes, toppling Sweet Tooth from her throne and into a whirlpool.

“Sweet sweet victory!” you say.

You’ll now have the chance to pick up Cherry Bomb. When presented with the Moshling’s profile click on “Keep It” to add Cherry Bomb to your Zoo.

Back at the Volcano

You return to the Volcano and talk to Elder Furi about your mission.

“Super Moshi you stink like a Glump! Tell me what happened!”

Click on “Gross-ery Store”

“I helped Snozzle Wobbleson tidy up his store and made an amazing discovery!”

“What did you find?”

“There was a crate full of evil candies!”

“Did you find out where these candies came from?”

“Yes, they came from the Candy Cane Caves!”

“Excellent! Anything else Super Moshi?”

Click on “Candy Cane Caves”

“The Glumps had blocked the entrance to the Candy Cane Caves and would not let anyone in!”

“Did you find a way in?”

“To get in I needed to smell and look like a Glump!”

“So I stunk myself up and used the Morph stone to look like a Glump.”

“Excellent! What did you find in the Caves?”

“There was a deep mine where roarkers were gooing the candies!”

“So the Glump Goo was making the candies go bad?”

“Yes, but I stopped them! I then took a mine cart to Sweet Tooth’s lair.”

“Excellent! Anything else Super Moshi?”

Moshi Monsters Glumps Game

Click on “Sweet Tooth’s Lair”

“It was Sweet Tooth who was behind all the evil candies!”

“But their hypno-blaster was extremely powerful and I could not get close.”

“What did you do?”

“I thought I was done for, but a Moshling called Cherry Bomb hiding in the cave walls came out to help me!”

“A moshling hiding in the cave walls? How did Cherry Bomb help?”

Moshi Monsters Glumps

“Cherry Bomb helped to blast Sweet Tooth off the candy throne and into the jam river!”

“Excellent! Anything else Super Moshi?”

“That is all, wise one.” says Elder Furi.

“In the face of danger and evil you have once again saved Monstro City!”

“However, sources have indicated that Sweet Tooth got away!”

Moshi Monsters Glumps Download

“Be always on guard Super Moshi, we never know when evil will strike again!”

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“You can always count on me wise one!”

And with that, the mission comes to an end.

“You saved the candy miners and stopped Sweet Tooth. What will be next for the super moshis? find out in the next exciting mission?”