Moshi Monsters Iggy

Jun 21, 2013  Moshling Flower Combinations (Moshi Seeds) Posted on June 21, 2013 in Moshlings.- Comments 452 Tweet. To collect moshlings, you’ll need to plant different seeds in.

Good Guys See Moshi Monsters Species, for the different species. Moshlings are little pets that Monsters can own, Zoshlings being a type of Moshling that is from Planet Symphonia. They like to run around causing mischief and playing, and there's. Once you’ve logged into Moshi Monsters you’ll find a button to enter secret codes at the bottom of the screen. These codes are given away with various Moshi merchandise such as the Moshi Monsters Magazine. Our guide on how to enter secret codes has more info.

Entering secret codes is now easier than it has ever been on Moshi Monsters.

Previously, you needed to enter the code when you logged in and you could only enter a code when you logged in which meant lots of people would spend ages logging on and off in order to enter codes!

Luckily, that’s not the case any more, since Moshi Monsters introduced the IGGY code screen.

How to get to the IGGY Code Screen

It’s simple, but sometime, the button can appear off the bottom of the screen.

Once you’ve logged in, you should see the “Got A Secret Code” button below the main play area. (You may have to scroll down depending on your screen size.)

The button looks like this.

The IGGY Code screen.

Once you click on the button, Moshi Monsters will load the IGGY code screen. After a few seconds the green goo should clear to reveal the following screen:

Looks like a nice chap doesn’t he!

Entering a secret code

To enter a secret code, click on the “enter code here” area with your mouse pointer and then type in the code you want to enter.

Once you’ve done that, click on the “EAT IT!” button to submit the code.

You’ll see IGGY eat the code and give it a good chew before telling you the results. Every now and them IGGY seem to take forever to chew a code!

If your secret code is ok, you’ll get a screen like this:

Iggy will show you the item (or rox) that you’ve got from the code along with it’s description.

You can now submit another code by clicking on the green “Eat Another Code” button or go straight back to your room by clicking on the “Go To My Room” button.

What happens when a code doesn’t work?

Not all codes are going to work – for a number of reasons. If IGGY doesn’t like the code he’ll do a funny animation and stick his tongue out.

After the animation has finished you’ll get the following error message along with the code you just tried to enter:

Unfortunately, the error message doesn’t tell you why the code didn’t work but the possible reasons are:

  • You’ve mistyped it
  • The code has expired
  • You’ve already entered the code before
  • It isn’t a secret code.

It’s worth double checking that you’ve typed it in correctly. If you need to correct it, just click on the code and edit it. Once you’ve done that click on the “EAT IT AGAIN button”

Can’t find your seeds in your Room?

If the code was for a seed, then you’ll need to go to your garden and open your seed pouch. You should see your new special seeds in there. Plant them with two others to grow the plants that will attract your special moshling!

Of course if the code is for more Rox you should see that the number of Rox you have has gone up by the appropriate number.

If you’ve not already done so you can start by getting an additional 200 rocks by entering this secret code when you log in: READERBONUS6, and another 100 by entering: 50MILLION. You can also get 1000 Rox by entering MOSHIDOSH392. Take a look at our codes page for more Rox codes.

Everyone needs more Rox, whether you’re just trying to buy food for your monster to keep him healthy, buy more seeds so you can try and collect more moshlings or maybe you’re saving up to get a third or fourth room in your house.

There’s a limit on the number of Rox you can earn each day: 200 rox if your not a member and 250 if you are.

Puzzle Palace and the daily Puzzle

The first thing you need to do each day is visit the Puzzle Palace and take the Daily Puzzle. You’ll earn more Rox the more answers you manage to get. You can only earn Rox from this once a day. These Rox do not count towards your daily Rox limit.


Once you’ve done your daily Puzzle you can try all the separate puzzles. These take a minute each and are worth 5 Rox each the first time you play them each day.

You’ll unlock more and more puzzles as you go up levels.

Moshling Boshling

To play this game you need to click on the couple having a picnic on Main Street. The game involves catapulting moshlings in order to squish Glumps and collect cakes!

The beauty of this game is that when you complete a level you can get up to 30 Rox! You even get the full 30 Rox for playing the first easy level over and over again. This is by far the quickest way to get you full daily allocation of Rox as quickly as possible!


The idea of this game is to keep the power station going by joining up blocks of the same colour to generate Mostrowatts. When you do link the blocks up, the matching blocks disappear and the blocks above will fall down.

You’ll find the En-Gen power-station at the right hand end of Main Street.

Catching butterflies at Flutterby Field

At the other end of Main Street you’ll find Flutterby Field. Here you can earn Rox by running around a field trying to catch butterflies in a net while avoiding other creepy crawlies.

Working at the Ice Scream parlour.

Another place to earn Rox is at the Ice-Scream parlor on Ooh La Lane.

Earning Rox this way takes a lot of work. I feel exhausted after serving a few levels worth of Ice creams. The number of Rox you earn by the time *** the Ice cream seller takes his cut isn’t that great either.

Additional ways for members to get Rox

If you’re a moshi member then you’ve got a couple more options for earning Rox. In addition to the Puzzle Palace you can earn your 250 daily Rox by dancing at the Underground Disco. You can also get loads of Rox by shaking trees at the Port…

Shaking the Rox trees at the Port.

If you’re a Moshi Member you need to get into the habit of visiting the Port once a week. Why? Well, once a week, you can shake the Rox trees to earn lots of additional Rox.

If you go to the Port and scroll left and right you should notice six Rox trees.

If you give these trees a shake the Rox will drop off. Sometimes quite a large number too!

What’s even better is that these Rox don’t count towards your daily 250 Rox limit.

Getting Rox by dancing in the Underground Disco.

If you’re a Moshi member you can earn Rox by dancing at the Underground Disco.

Every dance you do can earn you up to 15 Rox depending on how well you do.

The difficulty level doesn’t make any difference to the number of Rox you earn so my advice is to pick one of the easy ones and learn that so you can score close to maximum Rox each time.

I’ve found that the easy Taylor Miffed “Bred to Toast” is best for me. It’s the shortest song, the notes aren’t too quick and it only uses three keys. There’s no point making life difficult for yourself.

You’ll probably find that earning your Rox playing Moshling Boshling is still quicker.

Selling your stuff for Rox at Dodgy Dealz

If you’re really desperate, you can always sell some of your stuff at Dodgy Deals.

If you visit Dodgy Dealz on Sludge Street you can sell any of the items that you have in your chest. Keep an eye on the number of Rox you’ll get for selling the item though as some items may only be worth one or two Rox and some items won’t get you any Rox at all!

Can you get Rox by planting three magic beans?

I’ve read a lot of articles on the internet that say that if you plan three magic bean plants, wait for them to grow and you’ll get lots of Rox. Some articles have even said that you can get thousands!

I’ve given this a try and all I can say is that this rumour must have been spread by magic bean seed sellers as so far I’ve not managed to get a single Rox this way! It’s just a way of 45 Rox.


So, to make sure you get the maximum number of Rox:

  • Visit the Puzzle Palace and complete your Daily Puzzle
  • Also, do each of of the puzzles for 5 Rox/day.
  • Play Moshling Boshling for 30 rox/level to earn your daily 250 Rox (or 200 if you’re not a member). (Or play another game if that’s your preference).

If you’re a Moshi Member you can also:

  • Visit the Port and shake the Rox trees once a week.

You can also:

  • Try planing seeds in the hope that you’ll get some Rox plants. (Let them grow and then harvest them for more Rox.)
  • Sell some of your things you no longer want at Dodgy Dealz on Sludge Street.

You can collect Medals on Moshi Monsters by completing various tasks in and around Monstro City. They’re designed to encourage new players to go out and explore the many different features of Moshi Monsters. If you’ve played the game for a while getting most of these medals should be pretty obvious.

To see the medals you’ve collected so far, just click on the My Medals button on the left hand side of your room screen.

You’ll need to be a member to get some Medals (which require you to be a Super-Moshi for instance, but we’ll explain which ones below:

Awesome Adopter Medal

The easiest medal to get! In fact, you’ve got this one already! You get this one for just signing up for Moshi Monsters and adopting a monster!

Omnom Nom Medal

To get this medal, all you need to do is feed your monster some food. This is something that you’ll have to do regularly to keep your monster happy and healthy. You won’t be able to level-up unless it is so you might as well get used to doing this!

First you’ll need to go an buy some food. Just click on the map and find Main Street. You’ll arrive conveniently positioned just outside of the Gross-ery Store. This is where you buy your food from. Click on the store to go in!

Once inside you’ll be presented with a whole array of different foods. The random selection changes every 15 minutes. Keep a look out for Mice Krispies – they’re our favourite just because of their health and happiness restoring ability at a reasonable price.

Click on the item(s) you want to buy, then the “Buy It” button. once you’ve done your shopping, click on the Home button on the left hand side of the screen to go back to your house.

Once home, open your chest (the button on the right) and drag the freshly purchased food onto your monster. They’ll chomp away on it and you should see your Health and/or Happiness increase.

Another medal easily obtained!

DIY Designer Medal

Again, this one is easy and designed to help those new to the game get used to the various features. You’ll need to pop along to a shop to buy some stuff as all you need to do to get this medal is put an item in your room.

If you’re not a member then you can buy stuff at the following places:

  • Yukea on Main Street
  • Bizarre Bazaar on Main Street
  • DIY shop on Sludge Street

Once you’ve purchased something, return to you home (you can do this by simply clicking on the little house icon at the top right hand part of the page (next to you login info).

Once you’re at home, open your chest and you should see the item(s) you’ve purchased. Use the mouse to dray these out of your chest and drop them into your room! Simple!

Out’n‘About Medal

All you need to do is use the map to visit a street!

If you’ve just popped out to get some food or something for you room then you’ll already have this Medal. All you need to do is click on the Map (on the right hand side of your screen) and click on a street to visit it!

Nifty Thrifty Medal

Again, if you’ve bought an item for your room then you’ll already have this medal too. All you need to do is go to a shop and buy something.

Besties Medal

You get this medal by having a BFF (Best Friend Forever) in your friends tree.

Click on your tree to get the list of your friends up. Hover your mouse over the name of the friend that you want to make a BFF and click on the yellow star that appears. Be careful, it’s right next to the delete button!

By making someone a BFF in your friends tree you can keep up do date with what they’re doing using the “BFF News” tab just about the play area. Click on this tab and you’ll get a drop down list of the things yourBFFs have been doing. (If you’re not a member you can only have 3 Best Friends on your tree.)

Gotcha! Medal

TO get his medal you need to catch a moshling in your garden.

You do this by planing seeds in different combinations.

The easiest moshlings to catch are the common moshling that just need the right plants and aren’t fussed about the colours such as Chop Chop who just required 3 Dragon Fruit.

You’ll need to buy the seeds at the seeds cart. You’ll also see a code for Stanley when you visit the cart (2x Love berries and 1x Dragon Fruit)

Braniac Medal

Doing the Daily Challenge at the Puzzle Palace is an important part of playing Moshi Monsters. It’s the best/quickest way to gain additional levels (so you can buy more interesting items and get level trophies!) and earn some rox too.

TO get this medal you have to Score 10 points in the Daily Challenge Quiz. This might sound daunting to start with, but once you get used to the type of questions it’s not too bad and once you’ve done the quiz a few times you’ll see some of the same questions coming up again and again.

Disco Fever Medal

(Members Only)

You’ll have to be a member to get this medal as you’ll need to visit the Underground Disco.

You’ll find the entrances to the Underground Disco in various places across Monstro City – Just look out for flashing colours!

You can find entrances to the Underground Disco here:

  • Sludge Street – The Little outside-toilet, looks like a little wooden hut bouncing up and down.
  • Main Street – Scroll to the right, just pass the cross roads and you’ll see what looks like a flashing tree-stump with music coming out of it.
  • Ooh-La-Lane – just down the road to the Observatory is a slightly ajar manhole cover, again it’s flashing with music coming out of it!
  • The Port – scroll to the very ring hand side (past the purple octopus) and you’ll see a flashing cave with music coming out of it!

Once you’re in the Disco it’s time to dance along to a tune!

Use the cursor keys in time with the markers as they slide towards you. The more in-time you are, the more points you’ll score.

Getting this medal is simple, just make it though a song, getting the next one isn’t so easy…

Disco Don Medal

(Members Only)

This Medal requires you to get a perfect score in the Underground Disco.

OK, this one is a little more difficult, as you’ll know if you’ve already visited the disco, Simon Growl can be a little stingy when giving out the points! You’ll need to put some practice in to get this one!

My advice here is to pick the “Easy” level song that you find the easiest and just keep practising. The more familiar you are with the song the easier it’ll get. It took me quite a while though!

I found the easiest song was Taylor Miffed – Bred to Toast, but you might find one of the others works for you.

Colorized! Medal

(Members Only)

Did you know you can change the colour of your Moshi Monster (Well, if you’re a member you can!)

To get this medal you’ll need to give your monster a makeover and visit the Port and go to the Colourama (it’s just to the right of the little bridge with a multi-coloured sign. You can’t miss it!)

You can come up with lots of interesting colour combinations using the paint pots and the brightness slider, but hey, why not get noticed!

It’ll cost you 100 Rox to paint your monster.

House Styler Medal

(Members Only)

Buy a house style on Ooh-Laa-Lane. Unfortunately only Moshi Members can buy new rooms or new styles for their house.

You can choose from the following styles:

  • Moshi Style – 400 rox
  • Tree House – 1400 rox
  • Skyscraper – 1000 rox
  • Princess Castle – 1600 rox
  • Cake House – 2000 rox
  • Mountain House – 1700 rox
  • Haunted House – 1100 rox

You can always chose the original Moshi Style in the future, although that’ll cost your 400 rox.

Mike Shake Medal

We get asked “how do you get the medal for milk shake” surprisingly often. It’s not all that hard, you just need to track down some friendly cows!

First of all, use the map to go to Sludge Street. Now we need to find some cows. Scroll to the left, past Horrods and the Marketplace and you should see a farm with two blue cows minding their own business eating grass.

Now for the repetitive bit! In order to get the Milk Shake Medal, you need to click on the cows a whopping 50 times!

Click on the cow to make it go moo. You can’t click too quickly or your click won’t count. You have to wait for the cow to stop moving and the star to appear under your mouse pointer again.

The most effective technique for getting through your 50 clicks quickly is to alternate between cows. First one, then the other. You can click on one while the other is still mooing!

With so much mooing going on, you’re likely to get comments from anyone else in the house!

Money Bags Medal

All you need to do here is save 1000 rox. This isn’t too hard to do, in fact if you go to our codes page! You’ll find lots of codes for Rox (more than the 1000 you need to get this medal!)

Rolling in Rox Medal

Now this one is a little harder. You’ve got to be fairly disciplined and resist the urge to spend your hard earned Roxs. As mentioned above you can use our codes page, try and get rox as quickly as possible.

While this medal can be earned by anyone, it’s easier for Moshi Members as they have a higher daily Rox allowance and can use the trees at the Port and The Super-Moshi missions to get more Rox.

Moshling Hero Medal

(Members Only)

You’ll get this medal the first time you complete a Super-Moshi mission. Of course, you need to be a member to become a Super Moshi.

At the end of each Super Moshi Mission you get to rescue a Moshling that has played a noticeable part in the Mission. You can keep them and add them to your zoo!

Boat Bounty Medal

(Members Only)

In order to get this Medal, you need to purchase an item from Captain Buck’s boat but you need to be a member in order to visit the port.

If you go to the port, and scroll all the way to the left you should see a wooden jetty. At the end of this Jetty you’ll find one of two things – either Captain Buck’s boat, or more likely a seagull sitting on a “Back Soon” sign.

There’s nothing you can do except wait and keep checking the port once a week (you do remember to get your Rox from the trees don’t you?).

Captain Buck’s return is usually announced in the Daily Growl so keep an eye on that too.

If Captain Buck’s boat is there, just click on it and purchase any item just as you would in any other shop.

SuperMon Medal

To get this medal you have to get 999 in both Health and Happiness. The normal way people go about his is to buy lots of food and feed your monster. (Have I mentioned how much we like Mice Krispies?)

Struggling to keep your monster happy? We’ve got a Guide To Keeping Your Monster Happy (scroll down for you to see it) that you might find useful when you’re trying to get this medal.

Helping Hand Medal

Now this, and the next couple of Medals are a bit of a mystery at the moment and have appeared only recently. The instructions to “Complete a Quest” aren’t very revealing.

What we do know is that these quests aren’t related to the Super Moshi missions, and seem to be about helping people.

Friend in Need Medal

Complete 10 quests. How you do that is currently unknown.

Monstro Hero Medal

Complete 30 quests. Quests seem to be an as yet unreleased feature.

Glump Thumper Medal

This medal is awarded for completing the game Thump-A-Glump.

Thump-A-Glump can be found by going to Sludge Street strolling all the way to the right-hand side and clicking on Dr Strangeglove who is really a stack of Glumps in disguise! (You’ll get a game controller icon when you hover over it to show that it’s a game!)

In Thump-A-Glump you have to squash clumps with a hammer as they appear out of holes in the ground while avoiding the occasional Moshling. Each level gets harder with more holes to keep your eyes on.

It’s a secret…

These are just place holders in your Moshi Medals book. They’re not real medals that you can get. They just represent blank slots. When Moshi Monsters release new medals they’ll appear here.

So what do you think of the Medals?

One of the main reasons to keep your monster happy (apart from to stop it grumbling at you all the time) is so that your seeds grow nice and quickly in your Moshling Garden. The happier your monster, the faster they’ll grow and the quicker you’ll catch those moshlings!

There’s a load of ways to increase your monsters happiness, some faster than others, some more expensive.

Let’s explore the free ways to boost your happiness first!

Increase your Monsters Happiness FREE!

Before we start spending throse valuable Rox, let’s see what ways there are to increase your monster’s happiness without spending any!

Visiting your monster

A new way to increase your monsters happiness is simply to log in and visit your monster! From the 3rd December 2012, every day you log in your monster gets 20 extra happiness points. It only works once a day, but it does look as if you also get 20 health points too!

Tickle your Moshi Monster

Yep, Moshi Monsters just love a little tickle, but only when they’re in the privacy of their own house.

To stroke or tickle your pet, click on your monster, hold the mouse button down and shake the mouse left and right. You’ll get a few happiness points everytime you do it.

Don’t go crazy though. Moshi Monsters don’t like too much tickling. Tickle it too much as your happiness will do down.

Just wait a minute and you can tickle it again. This is going to take some time if you need a large happiness boost!

Puzzle Palace

Just playing the puzzles can get you happy!

As you probably know, you get 5 rox when you play a game in Puzzle Palace and it doesn’t matter how many points you get, you’ll always just get 5 rox.

The good news is that you also get some happiness and what’s even better – the more points you score, the more happiness you get.

It seems that for every puzzle point you get, you get 2 happiness points!

Beware though, if you get a question wrong, it subtracts 2 happiness points.

Get more questions wrong than you get right and you’re going to be worse off. Your happiness will go down.

Doing the Daily Challenge will also get you happiness points as well as Rox.

Spending Rox to make your monster happy

Let’s tale a look at the different ways we can spend Rox to make our monster happy. Check my Codes and you’ll have some Rox!


Hint: To buy food go to Main Street in your map and there is a shop which is the Gross-ery store and buy all the food you want

Each different type of food have a different happiness value. Eating that food will always raise your happiness by the same amount.

It doesn’t matter how many times you eat the same type of food or how much your monster protests and says he doesn’t like it!

The top 5 Happiness foods:

Bleergsheys Finest Chocolates1508530
Goblin Gateaux12558530Silver
Glumpcakes Saffron950100100Gold
Trashcan Suprize825108150Silver
Fairy Cake26141188245

It’s got to be said that Fairy Cake is the ultimate Moshi Monster Food, but it comes at a price!

If you are watching those rox, then you may want to look at which foods give you the most Happiness for each rox you spend:

Mice Krispies53281702.5
Ketchup Jelly Bean351513.0
Spicey Dragon Rolls32370633.0
Trashcan Suprize825108150Silver4.3
Slug Slurp Slushie81570514.7

So take Trashcan Suprize as an example, for every Rox you spend, you’ll get 4.3 happiness points!

Decorating your house?

Food isn’t the only think that you can buy that’ll increase your happiness. You can buy wallpaper, window, doors and items for your house at the following places:

Moshi Monsters Iggy
  • Yukea ( Main Street )
  • Bizzare Bazzare ( Main street )
  • DIY Shop ( Sludge Street )

If you’re a member, you’ve also got these options:

  • Horrods (Sludge Street)
  • Paws’n‘Claws (Port)
  • Babs Boutique (Port)
  • Captain Buck’s Ship (Port, not available all the time – keep an eye on the Daily Growl)

Note that you don’t actually get happiness points for decorating your room. Just changing your wallpaper won’t help at all – but BUYING new wallpaper will.

Buying a new outfit for your monster

Buying clothes and other items to dress up your monster will also increase your monster’s happiness.

Pop along to Monstro City Market Place on Sludge Street and you’ll find a shop for your type of monster:

  • Poppet’s Closet
  • Furi Fashion
  • Zommer’s Drop Dead Threads
  • Luvli Looks
  • Diavlo’s Duds
  • Katsuma Klothes

Remember that items bought here won’t turn up in your chest, you’ll find them in your Dress Up Room (just to the left of your house on the map.)

Playing games

Unfortunately playing games does nothing to help increase your happiness.

So, what’s your favourite way of keeping your Moshi Monster happy? Let me know in the comments!

Your MonStar rating is a measure of how popular you are Moshi Monsters. You become more popular as you get more friends and have more monster owners visiting your home.

The Monstar rating starts at “Z” and as you get more visits it will gradually climb all the way up the alphabet until you become an “A-list” monster.

To start with you just need a small number of visits to go up the next MonStar rating. You just need 5 visits to get to a “V” rating. However as you climb up the alphabet you need to get more and more visits to get to the next level.

Moshi Monsters Iggy

At higher ratings you need hundreds, or even thousands of visits to get to the next MonStar rating.

You’ll find your MonStar rating dispayed on the left hand side of the screen, above the level indicator and below the happiness and health scores.

So how do you improve your monster rating

Well really this is all about getting more visits to your room.

The more time you spend playing Moshi Monsters the more your monster will appear in Monstro City, walking around the streets saying hello to other passing monsters.

You can’t control this, but the more your monster is out there the more visits you’re likely to get. You should find the more you play more people visit your room.

The other way to get more visits is to invite your friends to visit your room.

One way to do this is to share the link that appears under the play area Moshi monsters.

The second part after the/is your own name (We used “moshi-secrets”). If people type this directly into their web browser they’ll go straight to your room.

The next way of getting visits your room is simply by asking your existing Moshi friends to visit by using the pin board.

Don’t forget to return the favour and visit their rooms too!

Note that only the first time the people visit every day will count is no point repeatedly visiting the room as the extra visits my account.

So how many visits to you need to go up a Monstar Rating

We did some research to see if we can figure this out. We looked a lot to monsters and compared the number of visits and the number of friends they had to them on star rating.

We found that while the number of friends did make an awful lot of difference the number of visits did.

Using all of the information we collected be plotted a graph showing the number of visits against the monster rating. You can see this below.

Note that the graph below used an odd scale called a logarythmic scale. Notice how the distance between 0 and 10 is the same the distance between 1000 and 10000. This shows that it gets harder to get enough visits the higher your MonStar rating goes.

To get an A MonStar rating you’re looking at getting nearly 40,000 visits!

What’s your MonStar rating and how many visits have you had? Comment it!

Down in the Candy Cane Caves you’ll find Cupcake Cavern by scrolling to the very right hand side. Click on Cupcake Cavern to play Moshi Cupcakes.

By baking different cupcakes, with difference flavours and toppings you can attract different Moshlings. These moshlings show up on the title screen. There are 15 different Moshlings to try and get.

These are: Chop-Chop, Squidge, Ecto, Dipsy, Jeepers, McNulty, Sooki-Yaki, Tiki, General Fuzuki, Shelby, DJ Quack, IGGY, Liberty, Mr Snoodles and White Fang.

The different recipies you’ll need are listed below.

Mixing the cupcake mixture:

There are two shelves of ingredients. On the left hand side are the items you must have in your mixture:

  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Flour
  • Eggs
  • Butter

One the right hand side are some addition (optional) ingredients you can add. These are:

  • Vanilla flavouring
  • Cocoa
  • Orange

Moshi Monsters Iggy Code

Click on the ingredient you want and then drag it into the bowl.

Once you’ve got all the required ingredients in the bowl a spoon will appear. You can continue to add the additional flavourings if you wish. Or you can start mixing your mixture!

Mixing your mixture

Once the spoon appears you can stir your mixture by clicking on the spoon and moving the mouse left and right (or in a circle if you prefer)

Once you’ve got your ingredients mixed you’ll go on to fill your cake tin!

Filling the cake tin

Moshi Monsters Iggy Song

Now, you’ll need to fill the cake tin with the mixture you’ve just prepared.

Just click in each cake case to fill it with a spoonful of mixture. With a bit of practice you can fill the tin pretty quickly.

Miss, and you’ll splodge cake mixture all over the place. There’s no problems making a mess through! It just takes a bit longer.

Best part about this game is that you don’t need to do the washing up afterwards!

Once you’ve filled the tin, the cupcakes fo into the oven (You’ll see the timer spin round) and then we can decorate it!

Decorate your cupcake

You can only add a topping if you first put icing on your cupcake. I guess this is because they just wouldn’t stick without the icing.

Icing your cupcake

You can decorate your cupcake with five different flavours and three different styles of icing. (As far as attracting Moshlings, the style of the icing doesn’t make any difference – although the flavour does.)

Icing comes in the following flavours (Colours):

  • White (Vanilla Flavour)
  • Brown (Chocolate Flavour)
  • Pink (Strawberry Flavour)
  • Blue (Blueberry Flavour)
  • Green (Slime Flavour)

The different styles of icing are:

  • Thin Splat Icing
  • Medium Swirl Icing
  • Big Swirl Icing

Once you have chosen your icing the next things to do is add toppings. (You don’t have to add toppings, it’s up to you!)


The following toppings are available:

  • Cherry
  • Slopcorn
  • Star Candy
  • Scummi Worm
  • Chocolate Chip
  • Sludge Fudge
  • Barfmellow
  • Nut

Once you’ve decorated your cupcake, click on “done” to see which Moshling is attracted to it.

Cupcake recipies to attract Moshlings

The following recipes will help you attract each of the 15 different Moshlings. There are other combinations that will work, but I’ve tried to make these as simple as possible.

Note: When it comes to the topping, you only need to put one item of each topping listed.


  • Flavouring: None
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: Nut


  • Flavoring: None
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: Slopcorn.


  • Flavoring: Cocoa
  • Icing: Brown (Chocolate)
  • Topping: Sludge Fudge and Chocolate Chip


  • Flavour: Vanilla
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: Barfmellow


  • Flavour: None
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: Star Candy, Sludge Fudge


  • Flavour: Cocoa
  • Icing: None
  • Topping: None


  • Flavour: Cocoa
  • Icing: Pink (Stawberry)
  • Topping: None


  • Flavour: None
  • Icing: Blue (Blueberry)
  • Topping: Cherry

General Fuzuki:

  • Flavour: None
  • Icing: Green (Slime)
  • Topping: None


  • Flavour: None
  • Icing: Green (Slime)
  • Topping: Fudge

DJ Quack:

  • Flavour: Orange
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: Scummi Worm


  • Flavour: none
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: None


  • Flavour: None
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: Star Candy

Mr Snoodles:

  • Flavour: Orange
  • Icing: White (Vanilla)
  • Topping: None

White Fang

  • Flavour: None
  • Icing: White
  • Topping: One of each!

Posted on June 21, 2013 in Moshlings. - Comments [452]

To collect moshlings, you’ll need to plant different seeds in your Moshling Garden. Different combinations of seeds will attract different Moshlings. Here’s our complete list of Moshling Flower Combinations

For more information about the different ways you can collect moshlings see our guide to .

Flowers to attract Common Moshlings

To get these moshlings you don’t need to worry about the colour of the flowers, just the combination of the different types of flower. This means that these are the easiest moshlings to attract.

Moshi Monsters Iggy Song

No. Moshling Flower 1 Flower 2 Flower 3
002 Chop Chop (Ninjas) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Dragon Fruit (ANY)
003 Ginger Snap (Kitties) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) Love Berries (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY)
007 Fifi (Puppies) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY)
008 Squidge (Spookies) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) Star Blossom (ANY) Dragon Fruit (ANY)
010 Snookums (Dinos) Star Blossom (ANY) Star Blossom (ANY) Star Blossom (ANY)
011 Penny (Luckies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 6)
012 Shelly (Nutty) Magic Beans (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY)
013 DJ Quack (Birdies) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Star Blossom (ANY)
015 Gracie (Snowies) Moon Orchid (ANY) Snap Apple (ANY) Love Berries (ANY)
018 Stanley (Fishies) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Love Berries (ANY) Love Berries (ANY)
020 Purdy (Kitties) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Dragon Fruit (ANY)
023 Humphrey (Beasties) Crazy Daisy (ANY) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY)
024 Angel (Ponies) Hot SIlly Pepper (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY)
025 Gabby (Techies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 8)
046 Sweeny Blob (Sploshies) Hot Silly Pepper (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Dragon Fruit (ANY)
050Yolka (Munchies) Love Berries (ANY)Dragon Fruit (ANY)Dragon Fruit (ANY)
066 Tomba (Snowies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 9)
125Toasty (Munchies)Hot Silly Peppers (ANY)Magic Beans (ANY)Snap Apple (ANY)
139Blossom (Potties)Dragon Fruit (ANY)Magic Beans (ANY)Crazy Daisy (ANY)

Flowers to attract Uncommon Moshlings

This is where growing the correct colour of flower starts to come into play. Uncommon moshlings need one of the three flowers to be a specific colour.

No. Moshling Flower 1 Flower 2 Flower 3
026 Ziggy (Roxstars) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Crazy Daisy (BLACK)
027 Kissy (Spookies) Star Blossom (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY) Star Blossom (PURPLE)
028 Rocky (Worldies) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) Love Berries (ANY) Crazy Daisy (PINK)
030 Lady Meowford (Kitties) Star Blossom (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Moon Orchid (BLUE)
032 Tiamo (Smilies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 7)
034 Dipsy (Fluffies) Moon Orchid (ANY) Love Berries (ANY) Moon Orchid (Yellow)
036 HipHop (Tunies) Crazy Daisy (ANY) Love Berry (ANY) Star Blossom (Black)
037 Betty (Noisies) Star Blossom (BLACK) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) *Star Blossom (ANY)
038 McNulty (Puppies) Star Blossom (PURPLE) Snap Apple (ANY) Snap Apple (ANY)
039 Shelby (Ninjas) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY) Dragon Fruit (BLACK)
040 Doris (Dinos) Moon Orchid (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Moon Orchid (BLACK)
041 Scrumpy (Arties) Star Blossom (ANY) Love Berries (ANY) Moon Orchid (Blue)
043 Blurp (Fishies) Moon Orchid (ANY) Love Berries (ANY) Love Berries (PINK)
045 Holga (Techies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 5)
047 Sooki-Yaki (Ninjas) Hot Silly Peppers (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY) Magic Beans (RED)
048 Priscilla (Ponies) Moon Orchid (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Snap Apple (YELLOW)
050 Pooky (Dinos) Moon Orchid (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY) Magic Beans (PURPLE)
118 Lummox (Sporties) Moon Orchid (YELLOW) Magic Beans (ANY) Magic Beans (ANY)
132 Hot Wings (Musos) Moon Orchid (ANY) Moon Orchid (ANY) Dragon Fruit (Black)

Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt Iggy Code

Flowers to attract Rare Moshlings

Rare Moshlings are only attracted when two of the flowers in the Moshling Garden are the correct colour. The third flower can be any colour.

No. Moshling Flower 1 Flower 2 Flower 3
005 Wallop (Tunies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 10)
052 Coolio (Foodies) Star Blossom (ANY) Love Berries (BLACK) Snap Apple (PINK)
053 Fumble (Fishies) Star Blossom (ANY) Love Berries (YELLOW) Magic Beans (YELLOW)
054 Flumpy (Fluffies) Star Blossom (ANY) Magic Beans (RED) Moon Orchid (BLACK)
055 White Fang (Puppies) Moon Orchid (RED) Magic Beans (RED) Crazy Daisy (ANY)
056 Mr Snoodle (Ponies) Hot SIlly Peppers (ANY) Dragon Fruit (Yellow) Hot Silly Peppers (PURPLE)
057 Honey (Fluffies) Magic Beans (ANY) Love Berries (YELLOW) Snap Apple (BLUE)
059 Hansel (Foodies) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Magic Beans (BLACK) Moon Orchid (BLACK)
060 Ecto (Spookies) Hot SIlly Peppers (ANY) Love Berries (RED) Love Berries (BLACK)
061 Liberty (Worldies) Love Berries (BLACK) Love Berries (RED) Love Berries (ANY)
062 Rooby (Sporties) Star Blossom (ANY) Magic Beans (BLUE) Magic Beans (BLUE)
064 Long Beard (Mythies) Hot Silly Peppers (RED) Hot Silly Peppers (RED) Dragon Fruit (ANY)
Note that Moshi Monsters have confirmed that you can’t get Long Beard using seed right now.
065 Tiki (Birdies) Star Blossom (ANY) Love Berries (PINK) Love Berries (RED)
068 Prickles(Potties) Hot Silly Peppers (RED) Snap Apple (RED) Crazy Daisy (ANY)
070 O’REally (Luckies) Star Blossom (ANY) Dragon Fruit (Yellow) Dragon Fruit (Blue)
071 Peppy (Birdies) Moon Orchid (ANY) Magic Beans (YELLOW) Moon Orchid (RED)
072 Cali (Fishies) Magic Beans (ANY) Love Berries (YELLOW) Love Berries (BLUE)
073 Jeepers (Beasties) Love Berries (ANY) Snap Apple (BLUE) Crazy Daisy (RED)
074 Prof. Purplex (Birdies) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Love Berries (PINK) Moon Orchid (YELLOW)
106 Cherry Bomb (Noisies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 4)
077 Waldo (Kitties) Dragon Fruit (ANY) Love Berries (PINK) Star Blossom (RED)
069 Oompah (Tunies) Crazy Daisy (ANY) Star Blossom (YELLOW) Crazy Daisy (YELLOW)
130 Misty (Arties) Hot Silly Peppers (YELLOW) Dragon Fruit (PURPLE) Snap Apple (ANY)
Crazy Daisy (PURPLE) Star Blossom (YELLOW) Dragon Fruit (BLUE)
There are two combinations for Misty
153 Wuzzle (Gurus) Loopy Lotus – You’ll need to subscribe to the Moshi Magazine to get Wuzzle.

Flowers to attract Ultra Rare Moshlings

In order to get these Ultra-Rare moshlings you need not just to have the correct types of flowers, but each of the flowers must be in the correct colour!

No. Moshling Flower 1 Flower 2 Flower 3
004 Busling (Wheelies) Dragon Fruit (Yellow) Star Blossom (Yellow) Magic Beans (Yellow)
078 Burnie Snap Apple (RED) Snap Apple (RED) Crazy Daisy (BLUE)
079 Gigi (Ponies) Hot Silly Peppers (BLUE) Moon Orchid (RED) Hot Silly Peppers (YELLOW)
080 Cleo (Worldies) Snap Apple (YELLOW) Crazy Daisy (BLUE) Crazy Daisy (PINK)
082 General Fuzuki (Ninjas) Hot Silly Peppers (RED) Love Berries (YELLOW) Star Blossom (PURPLE)
083 Gurgle (Dinos) Dragon Fruit (RED) Love Berries (PURPLE) Magic Beans (YELLOW)
084 Scamp (Puppies) Dragon Fruit (PINK) Moon Orchid (Blue) Snap Apple (BLACK)
087 ShiShi (Beasties) Dragon Fruit (RED) Hot Silly Peppers (YELLOW) Crazy Daisy (BLACK)
088 Oddie (Foodies) Star Blossom (PURPLE) Star Blossom (BLACK) Star Blossom (YELLOW)
089 Big Bad Bill (Spookies) Star Blossom (BLUE) Love Berries (YELLOW) Star Blossom (BLACK)
091 Cutie Pie (Foodies) Dragon Fruit (BLUE) Star Blossom (PINK) Crazy Daisy (PURPLE)
097 Mini Ben (Worldies) Snap Apple (BLACK) Snap Apple (BLACK) Snap Apple (BLACK)
098 Leo (Snowies) Frozen-Forget-Me-Not – Seed code was given away with the Moshi Monsters Magazine.
099 Jessie (Mythies) Hot Silly Peppers (RED) Dragon Fruit (YELLOW) Dragon Fruit (PINK)
100 IGGY (Fluffies) Moon Orchid (BLACK) Crazy Daisy (PURPLE) Crazy Daisy (PURPLE)
102 Baby Rox (Secrets) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 1)
105 Wurley (Techies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 2)
106 Plinky (Tunies) Super Moshi Mission (Season 1, Mission 3)
110 Suey (Munchies) Hot Silly Peppers (PINK) Hot Silly Peppers (YELLOW) Love Berries (PURPLE)
113 Bently (Sploshies) Star Blossom (BLACK) Star Blossom (BLACK) Moon Orchid (BLACK)
165 Pinestein (Brainies) Magic Beans (YELLOW) Magic Beans (PURPLE) Love Berries (PURPLE)
