Moshi Monsters Price Guide

Posted on July 06, 2012 - Comments [9]

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One of the main reasons to keep your monster happy (apart from to stop it grumbling at you all the time) is so that your seeds grow nice and quickly in your Moshling Garden. The happier your monster, the faster they’ll grow and the quicker you’ll catch those moshlings!

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There’s a load of ways to increase your monsters happiness, some faster than others, some more expensive.


Let’s explore the free ways to boost your happiness first!

Increase your Monsters Happiness FREE!

Before we start spending throse valuable Rox, let’s see what ways there are to increase your monster’s happiness without spending any!

Visiting your monster

A new way to increase your monsters happiness is simply to log in and visit your monster! From the 3rd December 2012, every day you log in your monster gets 20 extra happiness points. It only works once a day, but it does look as if you also get 20 health points too!

Tickle your Moshi Monster

Yep, Moshi Monsters just love a little tickle, but only when they’re in the privacy of their own house.

To stroke or tickle your pet, click on your monster, hold the mouse button down and shake the mouse left and right. You’ll get a few happiness points everytime you do it.

Don’t go crazy though. Moshi Monsters don’t like too much tickling. Tickle it too much as your happiness will do down.

Just wait a minute and you can tickle it again. This is going to take some time if you need a large happiness boost!

Puzzle Palace

Just playing the puzzles can get you happy!

As you probably know, you get 5 rox when you play a game in Puzzle Palace and it doesn’t matter how many points you get, you’ll always just get 5 rox.

The good news is that you also get some happiness and what’s even better – the more points you score, the more happiness you get.

It seems that for every puzzle point you get, you get 2 happiness points!

Beware though, if you get a question wrong, it subtracts 2 happiness points.

Get more questions wrong than you get right and you’re going to be worse off. Your happiness will go down.

Doing the Daily Challenge will also get you happiness points as well as Rox.

Spending Rox to make your monster happy

Let’s tale a look at the different ways we can spend Rox to make our monster happy. If you need more Rox, then check out our guide to getting more Rox and our Moshi monster codes for more Rox.


Hint: To buy food go to Main Street in your map and there is a shop which is the Gross-ery store and buy all the food you want

Each different type of food have a different happiness value. Eating that food will always raise your happiness by the same amount.

It doesn’t matter how many times you eat the same type of food or how much your monster protests and says he doesn’t like it!

The top 5 Happiness foods:

Name Level Rox Happiness Health Rarity
Bleergsheys Finest Chocolates 1 50 85 30
Goblin Gateaux 12 55 85 30 Silver
Glumpcakes Saffron 9 50 100 100 Gold
Trashcan Suprize 8 25 108 150 Silver
Fairy Cake 26 141 188 245

It’s got to be said that Fairy Cake is the ultimate Moshi Monster Food, but it comes at a price!

If you are watching those rox, then you may want to look at which foods give you the most Happiness for each rox you spend:

Name Level Rox Happiness Health Rarity Value
Mice Krispies 5 32 81 70 2.5
Ketchup Jelly Bean 3 5 15 1 3.0
Spicey Dragon Rolls 3 23 70 63 3.0
Trashcan Suprize 8 25 108 150 Silver 4.3
Slug Slurp Slushie 8 15 70 51 4.7

So take Trashcan Suprize as an example, for every Rox you spend, you’ll get 4.3 happiness points!

Decorating your house?

Food isn’t the only think that you can buy that’ll increase your happiness. You can buy wallpaper, window, doors and items for your house at the following places:

  • Yukea ( Main Street )
  • Bizzare Bazzare ( Main street )
  • DIY Shop ( Sludge Street )

If you’re a member, you’ve also got these options:

  • Horrods (Sludge Street)
  • Paws’n‘Claws (Port)
  • Babs Boutique (Port)
  • Captain Buck’s Ship (Port, not available all the time – keep an eye on the Daily Growl)

Note that you don’t actually get happiness points for decorating your room. Just changing your wallpaper won’t help at all – but BUYING new wallpaper will.

Buying a new outfit for your monster

Buying clothes and other items to dress up your monster will also increase your monster’s happiness.

Pop along to Monstro City Market Place on Sludge Street and you’ll find a shop for your type of monster:

  • Poppet’s Closet
  • Furi Fashion
  • Zommer’s Drop Dead Threads
  • Luvli Looks
  • Diavlo’s Duds
  • Katsuma Klothes

Remember that items bought here won’t turn up in your chest, you’ll find them in your Dress Up Room (just to the left of your house on the map.)

Playing games

Unfortunately playing games does nothing to help increase your happiness.

Why No More Moshi Monsters

So, what’s your favourite way of keeping your Moshi Monster happy? Let me know in the comments below!

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