Moshi Monsters Quincy

27 New moshlings coming soon on Moshi monsters ๐Ÿ™‚

The Fuzzies is a set that consists of five Moshlings: Quincy the Fraidy FuzzyFace, Threddie the Thockity Wock Snuggy the Cuddly and Fopkin the Ram-a-Lamb AdingDong In moshi monster egg hunt, Ramsy The Mischievous Mountling is added as a Super Moshling in moshi monster egg hunt. Asked in John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Adams. Asked in Cheat Codes, Moshi Monsters What is the code on moshi monsters to get to the oil swamps near greasy Greaser?


Hello All ! There are 27 new moshlings soon going to come on moshi monsters , As in series 8 post i posted the chart of some moshlings but they were blank , with only shapes , and now the moshlings pics are out , so according to it , there are 30 new moshlings out of which 5 have been released .

Moshi Monsters Quincy Massachusetts


Names of the above moshlings

  • Bubbly
  • Chirpy
  • Cleetus
  • Dribbles
  • Euqeque
  • Fitch
  • Jackson
  • Jiggles
  • Jiggy
  • Morty
  • Mumbo
  • Nancy
  • Nutmeg
  • Pipsy
  • Posy
  • Prof. Heff (Branies)
  • Quincy
  • Shimmy
  • Shizzle
  • Tessa
  • Threddie
  • Tombles
  • Toots
  • Vinnie (Hipsters)
  • Willow
  • Wuzzle
  • Zonkers (Wheelies)

Thanks to MME for this great news ๐Ÿ™‚ and the credit for all the above images goes to
MME Team

So as soon their seed combos will come we will surely try to post them in our blog ,


if you have any further information about it ,. let us know . by comments

Hey guys! Today is the last day of the Series 9 Countdown! And I am happy to bring you the last most amazing moshling of the series so far (to me).

Todayโ€™s Moshling isโ€ฆ

Furnando the Mystic Moggy! #155 (Limited Edition)

Personality- Eccentric, captivating and confident

Biography- Gaze into a Mystic Moggyโ€™s eyes and you might start woofing or oinking because these mysterious Moshlings are talented sorcerers. They can even levitate when they meow, cough up magic furballs and make pilchards vanish (โ€˜cos they sneak them under their top hats). Gee whiskers!

Likesโ€“ Power and trick dice.

Dislikesโ€“ Hidden cameras and silk hankies.

Habitatโ€“ In the Moshling Theme Park and have also been spotted selling Miracle Fur Tonic on the outskirts of Main Street.

Well guys, this is the end of the Series 9 Countdown. Make sure to pick up some of these to try and get this Mystic Moggy! See you all next time. And keep maxing! ๐Ÿ˜€