Moshi Monsters Season 2 Mission 8

Jul 11, 2012 Season 2, Mission 2, Sandy Drain Shenanigans. Posted on July 11, 2012 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 2.- Comments 1 Tweet. Let’s take a look at the second season two mission “Sandy Drain Shenanigans”. All These Mission Videos Are By 2009Fire15. They Are NOT Cheats. They Are Meant To Guide And Help You With The Missions, So You Can Be Successful. Info Walkthrough Gallery Missions in Moshi Monsters Super Moshi Missions Series 1 Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5 Mission 6 Mission 7 Mission 8 Mission 9 Mission 10 Series 2 Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5.

Posted on November 06, 2012 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 2. - Comments [3]

Wanna have a blast blowing things up on a crazy asteroid? Well c’mon and help the Super Moshis get busy finding Fizzy!

The mission starts with a little movie showing the escape pod flying away from the zoshling’s space ship with your and Scarlet O’Haira on board and bad news for us, we’re heading directly for an asteroid! Looks like we’re going to crash!

Crashed escape pod

Well things are a mess after the crash! There’s debris everywhere, but thankfully it appears we’re ok. Just need to find Scarlet though. It also looks as if Captain Squirk is trying to talk to us but the monitor is broken.

Clear the doorway

“Urgh, what a mess!” you say, “Where’s Scarlet?

“Looks like Captain Squirk is trying to tell us something… But the TV is missing a few circuits.”


Ok, let’s start by clearig up a little. Click on the two red boxes near the exit to clear them out of the way.

As you do so you’ll find Scarlet under one of the boxes.

“Scarlet! There you are!”

“Let’s get this junk out of the way!”

Repair the TV

Click on all the rest of the bits and pieces lying around on the floow. There’s something that looks like a s sweet wrapper and another thing with a red button and three yellow “fingers”. Click on them all to pick them up.

When you think you’ve got the lot, open your inventory and you should see that you’ve got three objects:

  • A TV Connector
  • A TV Fuse
  • A TV Circuit

Drag the three items onto the TV to repair it and get it working. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to hear what Captain Squirk has to say!

“Super Moshi!” he exclaims and a conversation starts.

“Are you OK??” Squirk asks.

“My computers tell me you crash landed on an asteroid!”

“Yes, we’re ok.” you reply. “How do we get out of here?”

You’ll now see a computer scan of the asteroid. Captain Squirk explains that according to the computers, the interior of the asteroid is very explosive.

“If you can figure our a way to cause an explosion beneath the escape pod*… you might be able to *launch it back into space.”

“The surface of the asteroid seems to be OK though. Let me open the pod door for you.”

The escape pod door slides out of the way and Captain Squirk wishes you good luck!

Now click on the open door to step our onto the surface of the asteroid.

On the surface of the asteroid

Find Fizzy

Wow, it seems like there’s lots going on on the surface of this asteroid. As well as our crashed escape pod, which appears to be sitting stuck in a crater there’s also a strange beaded buy and what looks like some kind of house.

There’s also his pants and vest hanging on the washing line, but we won’t dwell on that – after all, we’re on a mission!

“Hey You!” should the green fella, starting a conversation…

“What are you doing on my asteroid??” he asks.

Click on “Sorry! We crash landed our escape pod!”

“Well…You need to leave!” he replies – doesn’t seem too friendly at this point!

Click on “Why do we need to leave? Who are you?” to continue the conversation.

“I’m Wally Warpspeed, the famous Cosmic Rox miner!” he explains.

Cosmic Rox?” you ask.

“What are you, an alien?? Yes, Cosmic Rox! Those highly explosive Rox that are so rare that they’re worth millions…of Rox!”

“Have you sold any yet?” you ask.

Moshi Monsters Season 2 Mission 8 Border

“Well, no…I was ready to leave with all these valuable Cosmic Rox when I tool a sip of Fizzy soda and it spilled… Then, all of a sudden… BOOM!

“The Cosmic Rox exploded, and my ship blew apart!

“Where is Fizzy now?” you ask the old miner.

The scene cuts back to the surface of the landscape and Wally tell you that Fizzy is “in my space ship.”

“I can’t seem to find the door handle though…”

There’s always one problem after another isn’t there! I suppose we better go and see if we can find a door handle.

Scrol all the way to the left and you should see something circular and brown poking up out of the crater in the bottom left hand corner. This is the door handle we’re after. Click on the door handle to pick it up.

Now open your inventoury and drag the door handle onto the door of Wally’s crashed spaceship. It should fit just below the little orange window.

The doow will open an this missions new moshling will appear! It’s Fizzy, and he’s happy to be out of the space ship.

“Phew! Thanks!” he says as he starts a conversation.

“I’ve been stuck in there forever! Wally wants ot get rid of me…” he explains.

Click on “Why does he want to get rid of you?”

“I ACCIDENTLY blew up his ship…” says Fizzy. “It’s not my fault though!”

“When I mix with Cosmic Rox, everything goes BOOM!”

Click on “Are you a talking fizzy drink?”

“Yup! Sorry I didn’t introduce myself. My name’s Fizzy, the Lipsmacking Bubbly! Who are you?”

“I’m a Super Moshi! I crashed landed in that escape pod over there. I actually need help. Is there a way to get inside the asteroid?”

Fizzy says “The mine entrance is over there! But there was a meteorite shower that blocked it up. I can blow them up for you!”

The scene now switched back to the surface of the asteroid again.

Fizzy continues, “Just pick me up and drop me wherever you dropped Cosmic Rox!

Let’s get some Rox

Before we contine, let’s pick up Fizzy as we’ll need him to blast the Cosmic Rox. Click on him and add him to your inventory.

Ok, so in order to get into the mine on the right hand side of the level, we need to get some Cosmic Rox.

First, click on the mailbox next to where Wally is standing. It’ll open to reveal some pink Cosmic Rox. Click on them to add them to your inventory.

EPIC – Open your inventory and drag the Cosmic Rox you’ve just picked up and drop them on the emall asteroid just to the left of the washing line. Now drag Fizzy from your inventory and drag him onto the same asteroid. Fizzy will stand on the mailbox and blast the Rox with Fizz from his straw, causing the asteroid to explode. This reveals an EPIC award! Pick it up!

“Hey! Watch where you explode those things!” says Wally.

Get Cosmic Rox from Wally

You’ll find some more Cosmic Rox in the crater to the right (just past the small pink asteroid stuck in the crater). Click on this to pick it up.

Open your inventory and drag the Cosmic Rox onto the small pink asteroid. The Rox will embed themselves into the crater.

Now drag Fizzy onto the same asteroid. Fizzy will stand next to the asteroid and then shoot his fizzy liquid at it, causing the Rox to explode and destroy the small pink asteroid!

“Hey! Watch where you explode those things!”

Now click on Wally to start a conversation.

“Do you happen to have any more Cosmic Rox lying around?” you ask.

“Yes I do” replies Wally. “But I just told you how dangerous they are…”

“I promise I won’t go anywhere near your shop!” you say.

Wally still isn’t sure. “Hmmm…I don’t know.”

“Let’s play a game first.” he suggests.

“If you can answer all three of my questions, I’ll give you Cosmic Rox.

Click on “Ok, sounds good.” to continue.

“Ok, first question. What’s my pet called?”

Click on “Rover” to answer.

“Well, this second question then… What happens to Cosmic Rox when you mix them with Fizzy?”

Click on “They EXPLODE!”

“You won’t get this though! What’s my profession?”

Click on “You’re a Cosmic Rox miner” to answer.

“Here are some Cosmic Rox, as promised.”

Right, before we unblock the mine enterance let’s just click on the hut that has the “Rover” sign. There are a couple of tyre tracks leading away from it.

When you click on it, Wally says “My poor *Rover*… You were such a loyal friend…”

Unblock the mine enterance

OK, let’s open up the mine!

Open your inventory and dray the Cosmic Rox onto the asteroid blocking the enterance to the mine. You’ll need to use two.

Now drag Fizzy out and drop him on the asteroid too.

Fizzy will squit his fizzy liquid at the asteroid and cause it to explode.

Go Inside the asteroid

As soon as you click on the mine enterance to go inside the asteroid Wally interrupts to give you a warning.

Moshi Monsters Season 2 Mission 8

“You’re going in the mine??” he asks. “Watch out for the Astro Gremlins! They’re dangerous…”

Inside the Asteroid

Inside the asteroid you see a rather unhappy looking car (which appears to be missing a couple of wheels) and a purple eye’s Astro Gremlin!

“What’s that?” you say!

EPIC – First let’s get the epic! Open your inventory and drag Fizzy out onto the Cosmic Rox standing just behind and to the right of your monster. Fizzy will make the Rox explode to reveal an Epic award. Click on the EPIC to pick it up.

Talk to Rover

Now click on the car to talk to “Rover” and start a conversation.

“Bark! Bark! Bark!” he says!

“What are you doing down here puppy?” you ask.

“Bark! Bark! Barrrrk! Bark!” Rover replies. I don’t think we’re going to get an awful lot of sense out of him!

“You’re Wally’s Rover?” you ask.


“Barrrrrrk! Bark, bark.” he says.

“The gremlins stole your parts!?”

Fix Rover

After than enlightening conversaion, it looks as if we need to fix rover by finding the parts that the Astro Gremlins have stolen from him.

Rover, shines his headlight at the Gremlin and it scampers off into the cave.

“The gremlins are afraid of light!”

“Let’s get Rover’s parts back!”

Gremlin Scare! Rover Repair

Here’s a mini-game! We’ve got to click on the gremlins to spook’em and retrieve Rover’s bits.

The game is quite simple, you’ll see a whole lot of caves out of which Astro Gremlins will appear. All you have to do is shine your lights (use the mouse to move them and the button to shine them!) at the Gremlins as they appear to frighten them off.

There are three parts of Rover to collect, two tyres and a radar-dish.

Every now and again, a Gremlin will appear holding one of these items. Shine the light in his eyes and he’ll drop the item.

One tip to make life a little easier is to move to the centre of the screen every time you scare a Gremlin – then you’re in the best place to move to the next one when they appear!

EPIC – One Gemlin will appear holding an epic. Shine the light on him to get him to drop it. If you haven’t got the epic before the final piece of Rover appears, don’t use the headlights on it!

Once you’ve got all three part you’ll get the following message:

“Wheelie Well Done!” – You got all of Rover’s parts back!

Now we’re back in the mine. You’ll notice the three parts of Rover lying in the cave.

“Let’s collect all of Rover’s parts.

Click on each of the three parts to pick them up.

The screen will now switch to a close-up showing poor Rover in need of some help.

Open you inventory and drag the two wheels onto the axles.

Now drag the satellite dish onto the top of Rover (where the two wires are hanging out.)

Now close you’re inventory and you’ll see a much happier looking Rover!

Move Cosmic Rox under the pod

Rover starts a conversation.

“Bark bark, bark bark!”

“That’s what I’m here for!”

“Bark bark bark?”

“Help? Yes, actually I do need your help.”

“We need enough Cosmic Rox to shoot our escape pod back into space!

“Barrrrrrk! Bark bark bark bark bark.”

Moshi Monsters Sign Up Free

“The gremlins have a stash of Cosmic Rox?” (Sounds lucky for us!)


“We have to find those Cosmic Rox!”

After the conversation a little Cosmic Gremlin appears in the mine.

“We’re sorry! Don’t hurt us!” it says, starting a conversation.

“We’ll do anything if you stop flashing the light!

“We need to move these Cosmic Rox to under the escape pod.

Helpfully the gremlin replies “We have some extra Cosmic Rox lying around! Let me get them for you”

The gremlin then uses some kind of strange magic to make some Cosmic Rox appear in the middle of the mine, directly below the escape pod.

On the surface of the asteroid

Wally is obviously pleased to see his friend Rover again.

“Rover!” he exclaims. “You’re alive!”


Wally starts a conversation.

“All in a day’s work for a Super Moshi.” you tell him.

“How’d you save him??” Wally asks.

Click on “The gremlins stole his parts! I had to scare them away to get them back!”

“Those gremlins! Always causing trouble!” says Wally.

“They’re actually no bad.”

“They helped us so we can launch our escape pod back into space!”

Fizzy is going to shoot some fizzy into a pile of Cosmic Rox beneath our escape pod.”

Fizzy then chirps in “Then…*BOOM!* Blast off!

Now there’s a movie showing Fizzy, giving himself a shake and then dropping just one tiny drop of fizzy onto the Cosmic Rox below the escape pod.

First the Cosmic Rox starts to sparkle and then explodes in a shower of fireworks! Shooting the escape pod back into space.

“To be continued…”

To finish the mission click on “KEEP IT” to add the Fizzy moshling to your zoo.


Posted on July 22, 2012 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 2. - Comments [4]


The mission starts with Captain Squirk telling you that he’s sensed one of his Zoshling crew members at the Circus. He’ll also tell you that his sandwich is missing from the galley. (Take note of this, it’s a clue to how to get one of the EPICS!

After the conversation, we’re off to Ciirque du Bon Bon (Sweet Circus – I wonder who could be behind that!)

We start outside the Big Top. Somehow we’ve got to find a way in and it’s not going to be as easy as you think!

You’ll see some purple tickets lying on the ground. Grab these, we’ll need them later and then talk to the Clump in the green hat outside the main entrance.

“Welcome to the Amazing Cirque du Bon Bon, Ticket’s please.”

Polite for a Clump isn’t he! Unfortunately, as you haven’t got a ticket. He won’t let you in and even worse, hell tell you that you can’t even buy one as they’re all sold out! There is a glimmer of hope though – he may have seen a ticket backstage – but we’re not allowed in there.

Find a Circus Ticket

Somehow we’re going to need to get backstage. If you click on the Clump guarding the backstage entrance he’ll just say “What are you looking at?” Not so polite!

He’s not going to let us go back stage, so we’ll need to do something to distract him!

Go back and look at the Quack Attack game. You’ll see that there’s a plug on it’s side. If you unplug this, the Clump guarding the backstage area will have to bounce across and plug it back in again. This give you a chance to get backstage while he’s not looking. So, click on the plug, then when you can, quickly scroll to the right and click on the “halt” sign to go backstage.

You’ll get a movie here. It appears that Sweet Tooth is using the Zoshling to find out who’s got which moshlings. This will make it easy for Clonc to capture moshlings and make them into Clumps.

EPIC Once backstage, take a look in the bottom right hand corner. You’ll see a strange looking sandwich. Grab this now, it’s a sandwich that’s out of this world! Obviously its Captain Squirk’s missing sandwich. If we can give it back to him we’ll earn an EPIC!

Now let’s talk to the moshling here and see if he can help us get into the Circus.

The moshling will introduce himself as Pocito – The mini mangler! He’s the Champion of Strength at the Fun Fair.

Ask him is he’s one of the act at the circus. He’ll tell you he’s the Picante Pocito. He shoots of out a cannon! Obviously he has access to the Circus.

Ask him if he can get you in?

Season 2 Seinfeld

Pocito says he can, but he’ll need something first. (Isn’t that always the way!) He really wants one of those Cherry Bomb Plushies from the Fun Fair Shop.

Buy a Plushie for Pocito

Go back to the Fun Fair by clicking on the Funfair sign. Once there, pick up any purple tickets on the floor and scroll to the right to take a look at the Cherry Bomb Plushies in the shop.

If you look carefully, you’ll see that there are three Plushie dolls, and one REAL Cherry Bomb (He’s the one winking/blinking at you!).

For now, we just need a plushie doll, so click on one of the ones that aren’t moving, and click on buy (It’ll cost you four of those tickets you’ve picked up.)

Now we have to get backstage again! You know what to do. Go over to the left and unplug the Quack Attack game again and then sneak past when the Clump comes over to fix it.

Backstage again

When you’re backstage again, open your pouch and give Pocito the Cherry Bomb plushie. He’ll say thank you and give you a Ticket to the main tent!

Give the ticket to the Clump

Go back to the Fun fair and again, grab those purple tickets on the ground. Now open your pouch and give the ticket to the Clump in the green hat.

You’ll get another movie. This time Sweet Tooth (in disguise) will introduce Pocito’s death defying Moshling Cannon ball act! After the act, you’ll find your self outside of the Circus tent again, back at the Fun Fair.

Get Pocito’s Help.

Moshi Monsters Computer Game

We’ve been so impressed by Pocito’s act that we’re going to see if he can help us. Scroll to the right and you’ll see Pocito standing by the stall with the Cherry Bomb plushies.

Talk to Pocito. Pocito will tell you that the Test of Strength game is rigged so that you can’t win. To fix it we’ll need something heavy and something sticky. We need to make a new hammer to replace the inflatable one that’s already there. Tell Pocito that it won’t be a problem!

The first thing we’ll need is the something sticky. Next to the entrance to the backstage area you’ll see some green goo on the floor. Click on this “Super sticky goo” to add it to your pouch.

Now go backstage. Luckily there’s no Clump here any more so we can just walk in. Click on the Halt sign to go backstage.


When you get backstage you’ll see the bar bells that Pocito was using earlier lying on the floor where he was standing. Pick these up. There are the “something heavy.”

Now click on the Funfair sign to go back to the fun fair. This is the last time we’ll be backstage!

Fun Fair

Open your pouch, and put the Sticky Goo on the broken hammer.

Now drag the Bar Bells on the Sticky Goo.

Now you’ve got a hammer that works, you can challenge for a high score. You’ll need to get a high score in order to impress Pocito so that he’ll help you deal with Sweet Tooth.

Now, let’s have a go at the Test the Strength game. Click on the game to start.

Once you start, you need to click the mouse button just as fast as you can in order to build up your strength bar. You’ll need to get this to the top before the hammer swings down in order to strike the game with enough power to beat Pocito’s score.

If you’re successful, you’ll be told “You Smashed It!” and you’ll also win some more tokens! (Which is lucky, as we’ll need them!)

Moshi Monsters Season 2 Mission 8 9 10 Videos

Talk to Pocito now and he’ll tell you that it’s time for Zoshlingo’s show, but before we go in, there’s something we can do now the Test Your Strength machine is fixed.

EPIC We should have enough tickets now to go over to the stall and purchase the Mr Snoodle Bank. There’s something inside it we might just want. Once you’ve got it, go over to the Test Your Strength machine again and open your pouch. Drag the Snoodle Bank onto the red and white target of the machine. You’ll now see the bank being smashed and once you return ot the fair, you’ll see an EPIC award where the bank used to be. Pick up the EPIC!

Season 2 Fortnite

Find Zoshlingo

Now it’s time to find Zoshlingo and see what exactly Sweet Tooth has got them to do! Click on the Cirque Du Bonbon entrance to back into the main tent.

Now it’s Zoshlingo’s turn to perform. He’s going to do a mind reading trick.

Click on Zoshlingo to volunteer for the mind reading display. Zoshlingo says “Ahh, a volunteer, I will now read your mind!” He’ll then tell you exactly how many moshlings you have! Impressive eh?

Moshi Monsters Sign Up Play

You then ask him why he’s helping this evil clown. Don’t you know they’re…”

Pick the correct answer (Sweet Tooth!)

Sweet tooth will interrupt and tell you that it’s time for the audience to go. If you try and talk to Zoshlingo again, Sweet Tooth threatened to get the Clumps on you!

Moshi Monsters Season 2 Mission 8 Black Market

Exit the circus.

Unmask Sweet Tooth

We’re going to need Pocito’s help to unmask sweet tooth. Click on him to talk to him and ask for his help unmasking Candy the Clown. The plan is to use the cannon to fire Pocito at Sweet Tooth.

Pocito says ok, but we’ll need to get some things. We’ll need a fuse and something to light it.

Now we’ll need to buy Cherry Bomb from the shop. Remember he’s the one who’s winking at you. Click on Cherry Bomb to buy him. (It’ll cost you 4 tickets).

Now you’ll need something to light the fuse. If you play the Quack Attack game, you’ll notice that the real Burnie has been tied to the game instead of the Burnie cut out which is by the same stall you purchased Cherry Bomb from.

Click on the Bernie Cut-Out to buy it. It’ll cost you 30 tickets.

If you don’t have enough tickets you can play the Test Your Strength or Quack Attack games to win some more.

Once you’ve got the Bernie Cut-out, go over to the Quack attack game on the left.

First, click on the plug to disconnect the machine.

Next, open your pouch and drag the Bernie cut-out onto the game.

If you scroll to the right now, you’ll see Bernie is waiting with Pocito. If you plug the machine back in again, you can play Quack Attack with the correct Bernie target!

When you’re ready, talk to Pocito again. He’s ready, so into the tent you go.

Back in the Circus tent again

First, let’s move the target so that it’s behind Sweet Tooth, that way when we shoot the cannon it’ll be aiming for him.

Click on the lever to pull it, and move the target to the right.

EPIC As the target moves to the right you’ll see that there’s an EPIC behind it. Click on the EPIC before we continue. (Just one more to go!)

Now click on Cherry Bomb. Your monster will ask you where Cherry Bomb should go. Click on the cannon to put Cherry Bomb inside it.

Now click on Bernie to light the fuse!

You’ll get another little movie now of Pocito hitting Sweet Tooth and knocking off her disguise. She then activates her wrist device and teleports out of there.

Click on Pocito to add him to your zoo and finish the mission (or is it!)

Talk to Captain Squirk

Before you talk to the Captain, there’s something else to do!

EPIC Open your pouch and drag the sandwich onto Captain Squirk. The final EPIC will appear. Click on the EPIC to pick it up.

Now you can talk to Captain Squirk to tell the Captain all about Clonc and their evil mission.

Captain Squirk will thank for you saving Dr. C. Fingz, Zoshlingo’s real name!

Congratulations! You’ve completed the mission and found your three EPICS!
