Moshi Monsters Without Flash Player

How do you get on Moshi Monsters without java flash player? Wiki User February 04, 2011 8:52PM. In order to use the Moshi Monsters website you will need to download, and install, Flash Player from.

I bought an ASUS Eee Pad Transformer for my daughter for Christmas partially so she'd stop using my laptop all the time. One of her favorite web sites is Mosho Monsters (Moshi Monsters - Adopt Your Own Pet Monster!). This site uses Flash and states that you need Flash 10 to access the site. The Transformer can access the site, but appears to hang when you login. The static pages can be accessed, but not the real meat of the site.
This Transformer has
Android ver. 3.2.1
Kernal ver.
Flash 11.1
Does Android and Flash have similar problems with other Flash dependant sites?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If i can't get this site and another similar one to work I might have to sell the Android Transformer and buy a Windows tablet of some kind.
Moshi Monsters Without Flash Player

Moshi Monsters Without Flash Player Download


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Moshi Monsters Without Flash Player Download

Moshi Monsters Without Flash Player Needed

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